What are you waiting for?

What are you waiting for?

I’m curious—what comes up for you when you hear this question? If you’re anything like me, you might feel that familiar rush of urgency, as if the question implies you’re moving too slowly. Patience has been a lesson I’m called to learn, over and over. I’ve come to rely on mantras like, “My patience creates beautiful things.” It’s taken practice, but I genuinely believe it now.

That said, the concept of waiting? That’s a whole other challenge. The idea that I’d choose to wait—on purpose? That used to feel absurd to me (and tbh, I’m still working on it ;-). I designed so much of my life to avoid waiting, whether for things or people. And yet, here’s the ironic part: by resisting waiting so intensely, I actually created more of it. The tension I built up from avoiding waiting only made the things I was waiting for feel further out of reach. Talk about counterproductive!

The real invitation here is to explore what’s underneath the waiting. Is it that I’m not ready for what’s next? Is there something else calling for my attention first? Or am I waiting for more clarity to emerge? One of my favorite reminders is: If it’s not clear yet, it’s not time yet. This takes the pressure off the waiting and removes the sense of agony—unless I choose to create that experience. Waiting isn’t something I have to suffer through; instead, I can direct my energy toward something else that excites or nourishes me until the timing or clarity naturally falls into place. ??

If you don't know what you're waiting for, are you willing to play to find out?


