What are you thinking?
Gail Logan
Helping female leaders create incredible impact by coaching them to embrace their self-worth and confidence. Winner: Best Leadership Coaching Company | Online, Group & 1:1 | Corporate & Individuals | Speaker | Trainer
When you're leading, mindset is everything.
And a positive attitude can make all the difference to the level of impact you have on the people around you.
Our mind can become a powerful asset steering us to success and equally it can become our downfall when we let negative thoughts, assumptions and beliefs derail us.
Everyone has a negative thought once in a while, but when your negative thoughts fill your mind more often than not it’s time to rid yourself of them.
Be Aware of Your Thoughts.
We have 25,000 to 50,000 thoughts every day so imagine the impact they have on how we feel, the decisions we make and ultimately our outcomes.?
The trick is to train your mind and take control of your thinking.
Frequently ask yourself, “What am I thinking right now?" Develop an awareness of your negative thinking patterns and replace them with realistic and positive ones, immediately.
If you get stuck, try using inspirational and positive affirmations.
Notice the positive things in your life and what you have to be grateful for.
Do things you love. Listen to music you love. Fully listen to the words, feel the beat, open all your senses to the sound.
Visualize your life as you want it to be. Create a visual map. When negative thoughts intrude, look at your map to remind you of what you want.
Lastly, life gets in the way sometimes, so when you fall off the wagon, rather than beating yourself up, just jump back on again.?The more you practice this stuff, the easier it gets.