what you are not supposed to know about high temperature insulation systems
Markus Sommer
Chromatexperte | zertifizierter Gefahrstoffbeauftragter | Innovator der Kavarmat? – Cleansulation? Technologie | Analyse, Dekontamination und Substitution chromatbelasteter Anlagen in der Energieerzeugung
Welcome to our first issue of "The Chromate Disaster", the newsletter of the online magazine "harmfuldust.com".
It is now almost two years to the day since we first came into contact with the topic of "hexavalent chromium" in connection with the use of high-temperature insulation.
Today, many hours of research and many self-made experiences later, we now consider ourselves sufficiently prepared to share the knowledge we have gained with you.
By "we" we mean the online editorial team of the magazine "harmfuldust(.)com".
Why the newsletter of an online magazine and not the newsletter of a company?
Well, the headline is "what you are not supposed to know about high temperature insulation systems" and it is meant exactly as it sounds!
At the beginning and during the course of our research, I actually had the thought that lessons learned would lead to an industry becoming safer and more sustainable, and that occupational safety and environmental protection would come first, but far from it!?
With each new insight, the circle of friends and acquaintances became a little smaller and so I/we became black sheep, even nest-dirtiers.
Only yesterday one of my comment here on LinkedIn was deleted.
Background of the poor action is the meeting of a "neutral" "non-profit organization", which defines itself as follows:?
"...promotes insulation as a top-of-mind method of enhancing sustainability and profitability."
See here my comment regarding the reference to the upcoming event:?
A short time later the comment was deleted and a few minutes later I got the following message from one of the "ambassadors" of the foundation:
which means in english:
"sorry, deleted your comment, hope you can handle it. Feel free to go into the performance properties."
and this is actually how it's been going since August 09, 2019, the day I first came into contact with (what was then) "Chromium-6".
And every time I, as the managing director of a manufacturing company for high-temperature insulation systems, wrote about this new (or so I thought) topic, a lawyer somewhere came around the corner and wanted to forbid me to publish about it.
But what I can't be forbidden to do is to report on all the findings made as a so-called "social media publisher" and that's how the online magazine and this newsletter came into being and if you want to know what you're not supposed to know, then please subscribe to this newsletter and then we'll dive into "The Chromate Disaster" and be curious, it's going to be dusty, carcinogenic and environmentally damaging.
Very gladly on soon, with a review to all findings, with reactions and non-reactions. with tips & tricks, how you can deal as a possibly affected person with the former and present danger and also which possibilities you have as an individual against employers and others, the editorial staff tries to inform you all-round.
We will not name horse and rider or the acting protagonists or affected materials here, but you will already know who or what is meant.
Please help us to make the market a little more transparent and help yourself and your colleagues to avoid one or the other danger because the danger unfortunately exists:.
In the end, it is also important not to burden Mother Earth too much, isn't it?
And even if we do not inform here about chromium (VI), but about chromium (VI) COMPOUNDS, a chromium (VI) compound, such as calcium chromate (CaCrO4) is not much inferior to pure chromium (VI).
If you feel like it, the movie "Erin Brockovich" is recommended to you, certain parallels cannot be completely dismissed and also Mrs. Brockovich had to proceed patiently step by step!
Let's stay connected, hope to see you soon.
Best regards