What You Should Know About Coaching

What You Should Know About Coaching

Be authentically you. Discover your best self. Unlock your fullest potential.

This is typical coach-speak for what coaching can do for you. But what does it mean?

I’m a coach yet can’t tell you. Because it depends - on your values, your priorities and your specific desires/goals.

And let’s be honest, some of this sounds so… Cringe.

[A lot like manifesting your dream life. The truth is, achieving your big dreams takes hard work and there are no guarantees].

People often ask me to explain what coaching is and how it works (in plain English). And so...

What Does Coaching Look Like??

Coaching is a partnership. What that means is that you and your coach will work together to figure out what you want and how best to make what you want a reality.

A coaching session is mostly a deep conversation. The coach provides a safe space for expression of your feelings, sharing challenges and being honest about fears.?

Coaches are trained to listen and notice on a deep level.

They’ll point out what they’re hearing, seeing and sensing within you. And they’ll ask insightful questions designed to help you determine the answers that have been eluding you.

Coaching does NOT include telling you what to do. A coach might offer up tools and tips to help - but they’re offered to you without attachment.

A good coach will provide encouragement, keep you accountable and support you through taking tough action.

This describes how I coach both my Inside-Out Success Coaching clients and my Next Level Business clients.

But when it comes to my business clients, I also consult.

A big piece of what they want is my advice (based on my knowledge and background). Which is why I offer a hybrid style to them (although I still offer it without attachment and ensure they're on board with any final action items).

What Type Of Results Can You Expect?

From a general perspective, coaching will help you:

  • Uncover blind spots.
  • Change your internal stories.
  • Develop new habits and behaviors.
  • Stay motivated.
  • Improve emotional intelligence.
  • Become a better leader.
  • Feel more supported.
  • Increase confidence.

Your specific results depend on the reason you hire a coach. But here are some examples based on my clients and my past results (yep, coaches sometimes hire other coaches):

  • Confidently asking clients for business on a regular basis (instead of tip-toeing around it) to increase your closing rate by more than 50%.
  • Taking pre-planned time for regular exercise 5x per week (without feeling like you don’t have the time).
  • Spending more time with your spouse/partner and kids and - most importantly - not ever thinking about work when with them.
  • Saying “no” to everything you want to say “no” to (sans guilt).
  • Increasing your book of business (to over $1MM, by more than $200,000 in just over 8 months, by close to 30% in one year, and so on).
  • Being promoted from Associate/Senior Attorney/Of Counsel to Partner (and from non-equity Partner to equity Partner).
  • Creating a customized problem-solving framework for making quick decisions you’re confident in.
  • Knowing the exact tools to use when under pressure to meet tight deadlines so you can feel calm, think creatively and stay on top of things.
  • Gaining insight into how others see you so you can improve your approach with clients, colleagues and team members.

Again, your results will depend on your goals, values and needs.

Want To Know More?

To learn more about:

  • What to expect when you hire a coach,
  • The specific types of things you can work on with a coach, and
  • How coaching works,

Listen to a roundtable discussion from 3 coaches (yours truly, a divorce coach and a life/human design coach) >>>here .

We also talk about how to find the right coach (because not everyone will be the right fit for you or the outcome you want).

Ready to work with - or at least explore working with - a coach? Reach out to the coach you feel most aligned with (based on what you know of them).

Great coaches will talk with you and answer your questions without pressuring you to work with them.

Joe Bravo

Lawyer/podcaster/triathlete. I proudly represent Offshore Talent for Law Firms and Businesses!

1 年

Thank you for sharing!


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