What You Should Do Before Accepting a Job Offer
Congrats! After a long search, you've found a new job that feels like a great fit. You've received an offer, that's great news! Even if you're excited about the offer, you don't have to accept it right away. Before you make your decision, there are a few things you should take into consideration.
Be sure to take into account your full amount of payment- ask questions if needed. The offer you received should have included compensation information. In addition to your salary or hourly wage, this includes paid time off, benefits, and retirement (such as a pension or 401k). The employee's contributions to the company, as well as their allotted sick time, etc., are taken into account when determining their salary. Take all of these factors into consideration and decide if it meets your needs. This is especially true if the offer is for a rate of pay that is similar to your current salary. Most people look to change jobs to earn more money, not less.
What is the company's reputation in the community? Is the system stable? The opportunity to get in on the ground floor of a new venture can be very exciting, especially if you're bored with your current job and feel like your skills are becoming outdated. But if the company you're looking to join isn't well established, or if people raise an eyebrow and seem suspicious when you tell them they've made you an offer, it may be a red flag worth reconsidering. When considering whether or not to work for a company, it can be helpful to look for online reviews from current or former employees. What do people have to say about the company? Are they generally positive or negative? This can give you some insight into what it might be like to work there. It's good to know some sense of what you're getting into.
Ask about other perks. After you have reviewed the compensation and benefits package, see if there are any other perks available. For example, does your company offer discounts on gym memberships? Do employees receive paid time off to volunteer? Do you have to pay for parking if you work in a busy area, or is that covered by your employer? If you do have to pay, is the cost discounted? What are their thoughts on flexible scheduling? It is beneficial to inquire about opportunities for advancement and training early on in your career, to develop your skills further. A company that is willing to invest in training and education opportunities for its employees is worthwhile.
Think about your personal life. A good job with a long commute means you spend less time at home with the people who are important to you or on a hobby or activity you enjoy. A job that is unsatisfying with a commute that is too long can lead to negative consequences such as feeling stressed and unhappy, and not being as present in your personal life. Will this job offer you the flexibility you need to balance your work responsibilities with your personal life? Do you think you will have time to add additional skills to your resume? When considering a job offer, it is important to look at more than just the salary. Your quality of life should be taken into account as well.
Ask yourself: How do I feel about this? There are many reasons why people look for new jobs. There are many valid interpretations of this data. When you receive a job offer, keep in mind that you are not obligated to accept it. If you're not excited about the opportunity, that's a good enough reason not to take it. If you have any doubts or reservations about it, that's a good reason to stop and think about it for a moment. It is important to discuss your plans with people you know and trust. If you're feeling excited and motivated, that's a good sign! Before committing to a new position, be sure that it is something you want to do and that you are willing to commit to it for a reasonable amount of time. If you're not sure about your current job, it's okay to say no and give yourself time to find something else that makes you happier. Don't force yourself to stay in a job that doesn't make you happy just because it's comfortable.
Receiving a job offer is an excellent first step. But make sure the numbers, time, and opportunity add up to something that will improve your life, not add stress or disappointment.