What are you serving?
Lori Battle
Philanthropist | Minister | Success Influencer and Founder of The Dream Big Experience Weekend. Managing Music Artists @Stia @BrentJones
Everyone’s not eating what you’re serving!!
Don’t get mad when people aren't buying what you’re selling!! Great business men and women recognize that their products and services aren’t a one size fits all model! So, they respect those that aren’t interested in their services & products and they actually consider it a blessing to know who’s not rocking with them so they can focus on marketing to their target audience.
Remember, people know what they like and what they dislike! For example, even a baby knows what it likes and dislikes as early as 3-6 months of age. Try feeding it baby carrots and watch it keep spitting them out as you try to convince it that they taste good. But, give it some baby pears and watch Its little cute face light up from enjoyment without you even having to convince it to like them! That’s what people are doing who aren’t interested in what you're selling. They are spitting it out just or better yet, they are rejecting it while you do everything in your power to convince them that they like it!
Now, there’s an explicit difference when it comes to people knowing what they want and don’t want vs. what they like and don’t like. So, don’t confuse the two. Often times, people just have no idea as to what they need and that’s where a great salesperson comes in. Great sales people are excellent at selling you stuff whether you need it or not. We’ve all gone in to the shoe store before looking for a 4” pointy toe pump, but instead walked out with a patten leather low heeled knee high boot. Although, we didn't come close to getting what we thought we wanted. Nevertheless, we left that store felling good about our purchase and just as happy as we could be about our brand new boots!
The key is to be confident in your product-knowing that you have the best at whatever it is you're selling and sell, sell, sell away! Someone is going to more than like it, they're going to love it, feel it's what they always wanted, and that is going to be such a rewarding feeling-once you find out who's eating what you're serving.
So, you see it is possible for people to not know exactly what they want but to know exactly what they like! That’s your job to figure out the two-which can end up being the same thing. I hope this helps you as you discover the ever changing market of consumers. Just don't take anything personal, but make it your priority to serve the people who are assigned to you!
Keep dreaming big,
Success Coach Lori