What you see through mobiplus shopping recommendation platform.
Yiannis Stamoulis
CEO-Founder @ mobiplus | AI, Shopping Personalization Platform - In store & E-commerce and increase revenues up to 30%.
There are analytics and KPIs that allow you to monitor your progress on the mobiplus shopping recommendation platform, to perform A/B product testing ,to see users who receive product recommendations ,the recommendation scoring of your products and corresponding revenues!
Some of the KPIs are:
Ranking-listing of the company based on impressions
Users—no of people that receive recommendations
New users-no of new users that do not belong in the eshop and receive recommendations.
Products-no of products that are recommended
Impressions-no of impressions of products
Clicks- no of clicks on recommended products
Conversion rate—impressions/clicks
Site clicks-no of clicks from product to site
Site conversion rate-clicks/site conversion
Buy Conversions-no of purchase of recommended products
Buy conversions—site clicks/no of purchase
Revenues-Revenues through recommendations
GMV/1000 recommendations –average revenue per 1000 recommendations
% of revenue through recommendations (%RTR)–revenues through recommendations / total revenues.
Clicks on shops-no of clicks on shop location
Shop visits-users that visited the shop
Telephone-no of clicks on telephone
Shared-no of social shared products
The top products on the front page of your eshop according to mobiplus shopping recommendation platform.
The top products per category in your eshop according to mobiplus shopping recommendation platform.
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