The Splinter Effect
Jeff Nischwitz (he/his/him)
Law Firm Accelerator, Performance Coach, People Whisperer, Snow Globe Shaker ... Lover of bold red wine ?? .. Cuban cigars .. Hearty bourbon ?? .. Broadway theater ??
I recently got a splinter in my finger. It was a very small splinter, difficult to see. The only way I knew it was there was because I felt it. Splinters, small as they are, are a painful nuisance. If they are removed quickly, there is immediate relief from the pain. If the splinter is not removed, it festers and becomes an even bigger problem (inflammation, infection, etc.)
Isn’t this the way so many things are in our lives? They start out small, insignificant and hard to see. But if they are not dealt with right away, they become much bigger and more serious problems.
What splinters are you ignoring? What splinters are causing you pain and distraction? What splinters in your life need to be removed? Are they in your leadership? Your business? Your relationships?
Don’t wait to remove the splinters in your life. You’ll immediately be grateful you did.
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