"What you see is what you get."
I'm sure you have heard the expression, "What you see is what you get." In my experience this is a strong phrase when it comes to attracting the things I desire in life. That's because what we choose to see and focus on is likely to come to pass! Many of my clients have heard me talk about the value of visualizations to increase health, attract wealth, and improve relationships. In these difficult times, I thought that it would be a good idea to bring this up.
The idea of using visualization to attract desired items or situations is not a new one. Visionaries like Norman Vincent Peale, Dale Carnegie, and Zig Ziglar understood the power of visualizing what you want and where you want to go. They shared this message with the public, and over time their knowledge bore fruit for many who tried and benefited from their techniques. As a result, visualizations have become a popular, simple, and effective method for manifesting what you want to come to pass.
Many goals can be achieved through visualization, and it is a relatively simple technique to undertake. You just need to take the time on a regular basis to imagine things you want to have happen in your life as if they have already come to pass. And you can combat pesky, negative thoughts by replacing them with visions of what you desire to create.
The more detailed you make your visualizations, the more powerful they will be. Begin by picturing what you want in your mind’s eye. Once you have achieved this step, extend your creative visualizations to include sounds, smells, tastes, and feelings associated with the object or situation you desire. This last step will dramatically increase the effectiveness of your visualization.
Let me give you an example. If you want a new car, visualize the car in your mind’s eye or picture it in your driveway. Then make your visualization more effective by imagining yourself in the driver's seat, feeling the luxury of the seats, enjoying the fabulous sound system, smelling the new car smell, and enjoying the feeling of acceleration and handling of the vehicle. By making your experience as full and complete as possible, you will be sending out many messages to the Universe to fill your order for a new car.
And be sure to thank the Universe before you have already received what it is you desire. Acting as if you already have it and expressing gratitude actually increases the power of your visualizations even more!
I hope you will find these tips on visualization helpful and that you’ll give them a try. I feel sure that as you apply these ideas you will be pleased with the results.