What are you saying no to?
Vivienne Joy - NLP Coach Trainer Mentor
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Today I want to talk to you about what you’re saying no to, because to say yes to the business you’ve always dreamed of, there are some things you’ve got to say no to, and this could be what’s holding you back. Have a think about this and I’d love to know in the comments.
Lots of the women I help are saying, “well, I can’t give all in my business, and my family, and go to the gym…I can’t do it all”, so I want you to really put some thought into what is important and what you value.
What is important to you?
Grab a pad and pen and I want you to write down everything that is important to you. Then I want you to go through that list and prioritise them in order of most important. If you’re not at the top of your list, we’ve got some problems, and if your business isn’t anywhere near the top, guess what happens? It’ll get left til last and go down to the bottom of the list, and that is not where your business needs to be. You need to be focused and in it energetically, emotionally, mentally, physically, and financially.
What are you going to say no to?
Are you going to say no to TV? That was me. Are you going to say no to going out with friends you don’t probably like anyway? Are you going to say no to lots of horrible habits you’ve got? Please answer in the comments and if you want some help you can book a free 15 minute laser coaching call with me. I’ll see you there.