What is it you really want?
I have?GREAT?news for?YOU!?
This week is going to be the?BEST?week for you, I just feel it, so I wanted you to know it. :)
Just accept that idea! I am feeling super grateful and blessed this week as if you haven't already seen, that we just had the most incredible full-day event for our clients. The Collective.
The Collective is a?FULL DAY LIVE EVENT?that we host for our clients just for the pure fun and joy of it! There is nothing I enjoy more than working closely with my clients from all around the world and CREATING in such a?HIGH IMPACT?environment.??
The energy in the room was electric!? So many goals are being created, manifested, and celebrated.
Have you ever thought about what?YOU?could achieve if you had a collective of like-minded high achievers around you to support you?
We hear it all the time, it’s about the people you spend the most time with that you will be most like...??
Think of who these people are in your life.... with?NO?judgement, look at their results, and ask yourself, are these the results you want for?YOUR?life, your story, your time here on this earth???
So… if not,?WHAT DO YOU WANT??
Really?THINK.... really search your soul.... remember the question is?WANT..?not need!
The truth is, you end up with similar results as the people you spend the most time around because you THINK like the people around you.?We all have a vibrational effect on one another.?If you have not learned to control your thinking from the inside out, your thinking will be controlled from the outside in.
Think about it. The last time you made a decision on something, did?you?really make it, did you ask others, or even base your decision on what you?THOUGHT?others might like or want?
When we really examine our intentions behind our thoughts and decision we start to really understand why we are getting the results we are and why we are not getting what we truly want.
My suggestion to you this week is to take it right back to the starting point..... What do you,?really and truly?WANT for your life?
Take out a sheet of clean paper?RIGHT NOW,?and make a?CRAZY, FANTASY,?can't show anyone type of a list of all the things, feelings, experiences that you WANT in this life.??
*IMPORTANT* - As you make this list remember 3 things
Whatever you write down, is 100% possible for you. In fact, in just the thinking of it, it's already on its way to you.??
Your only job now is to line up with it so that you can receive it.
Join me for 2 days at Inception where I will be teaching the?Art of Allowing and Accepting Abundance.
As my mentor once taught me,
'Tell me what you want and I'll show you how to get it'!!!!
I am now ready to pass that on to?YOU!