What you Need to Understand about E-learning Platform Testing

What you Need to Understand about E-learning Platform Testing

Everyone can see how popular and useful platforms for online education and learning are. Companies are progressively bringing this trend to their employees, online institutions are emerging every day, and you can get a new job in 3-6 months rather than 6 years. The world is in the discovery of better understanding, which may now be obtained at a tremendous pace via remote access. As a result, e-learning software development is in high demand and extremely competitive. E-learning software systems must be regularly developed in order to stay viable, efficient, in demand, and “people’s preferred choice.”

The necessity to establish courses, enroll students, and track students’ progress is met by an e-learning platform. It also enables users to access lectures, submit assignments, and take the test. To complete all of these processes in a smooth manner, more flexibility, dependability, and scalability are required, which can only be achieved through rigorous testing.

There are many different types of e-learning platforms, which can be categorized as follows:

  • Web-based?
  • Server-based

?Why will QA make e-learning platforms better

The E-Learning platform, like all other similar initiatives, is designed with the end-user in mind. This indicates that one of the most crucial things for a programmer to consider is user experience. When it refers to education and learning, one could claim the outcomes are even more overstated. For prospective customers, e-learning software reviews are critical.?

Quality issues with the E-Learning platform’s quality cause learners to lose faith in it, which affects the educational process’s effectiveness. This means that the next time your customer needs to choose a platform, they can look at other options. So at this stage, there is a need for QA specialists to join the project. They will assist in ensuring the training and learning solution’s durability, usability, and consistency and providing full system functionality, a straightforward and easy-to-use interface, and excellent compatibility.?

Let’s have a look at the role of quality assurance in E-Learning software solutions. We’ll go over what to consider when testing such platforms and the most common product faults and how to avoid or rapidly fix them.

1. Why and When to Implement Quality Assurance in E-Learning?

Assume you’ve invented an e-learning platform called “StuffTraining.” You’ve reached the pre-launch stage. Obviously, you want the product to be of great quality, to be pleasant for consumers, to be efficient, to be well-liked, and to be strongly recommended.

How do you intend to accomplish this? Begin by viewing the platform from the perspective of the user. Who is the target market for your product? What device will he use to operate it, what browser will he use, and what operating system will he use? How easy will it be to navigate for users? Is it apparent how to proceed with the learning process, where to get the required materials, and how to pay? These are just a handful of the inquiries you should ask yourself.

QA is always a difficult procedure because there are so many things to verify. As a result, it might be difficult for e-learning software vendors to keep all of the factors in mind at times. It’s all right! That is the purpose of the quality assurance procedure. Our experience with E-learning products has shown that they typically incorporate a variety of materials such as texts, videos, photos, broadcasts, tests, and so on. Involvement is required, as well as thorough examinations of each element.

The quality assurance engineer guarantees that your product meets the requirements. He already has a number of needed checklists and a list of likely problems and flaws. He has also suggested and automated measures to eliminate them. QA specialists can discover defects that no one else is aware of using specialized tools and testing methodologies. It will prevent you from developing a bicycle and making mistakes that others have already made.

1.3. Connecting testing to a training product typically occurs in three stages.

  • Including testers in the early stages of project development. This will assist to eliminate the majority of the common bugs. As a result, you’ll save time and money on further error repair, and you’ll be able to hit the market sooner, avoiding any unfavorable quality evaluations. Moreover, creating a product that customers will enjoy will be a lot easier.
  • Recruiting testers during one of the platform’s development stages or prior to its launch. It is also advantageous since it allows for the avoidance of the negative consequences connected with the launching of a low-quality product. However, the release schedule is likely to be pushed back because correcting several key faults discovered during the pre-release stage will take time and may necessitate significant revisions.
  • Recruiting testers after the platform has been released and reviews have begun to show. Negative feedback would appear to be a nightmare. But don’t get too worked up. First and foremost, everything (or nearly everything) can be repaired and upgraded. Second, clients will reward you with loyalty points if you provide positive reviews indicating bugs and inconveniences have been resolved, and you value their input.

2. What Should Be Tested

Positive and negative testing are the two types of testing available. The first is concerned with ensuring that everything is in working order, whereas the second is concerned with identifying errors.

Let’s undertake some negative testing with our E-Learning software program “StuffTraining.”

2.1. What are the potential failures and how can you prevent them?

  • Mistakes in spelling and grammar.?Do you think it’s nothing serious? A user might think, “How can they teach me if they don’t even know grammar?” So double-check it.
  • Huge blocks of text.?Lengthy texts are always difficult to write and, to be honest, dull. And your objective is to establish a successful learning environment. As a result, make it more readable and easy.
  • A mixture of Fonts.?When you combine information from many sources, this is a common occurrence. It also appears to be really unappealing.
  • Poor Visuals.?Learners can better perceive information with the use of pictures and photos. Make sure they’re in good working order and up to date.
  • Inactive buttons and broken links.?Users are harmed by inactive items on the page. So examine all the interlinks and click everything that has to be clicked.
  • Navigation is either missing or inaccurate.?All navigational buttons must work. Navigating from one course to the next, and from one category of information to the next, should be simple and accurate, so go over all the many paths that users can go through.
  • Bad design or too much design.?There are too many images on one page, the colors are mismatched, and so on. Because taste is a very subjective trait, seek out the advice of others.
  • Poor audio/video quality.?To increase student engagement, multimedia technologies are a must-have. Those elements, too, necessitate further quality assurance. Everything should work properly, with good audio and video quality.
  • Confusing guidelines.?When a student can’t understand the assignment from the start, it’s one of the most aggravating and stressful things. Make it as explicit as possible.
  • There are no contact forms or FAQs.?Students will believe that their opinions are unimportant. You should make it easy for users to contact you and ask questions.
  • Poor performance.?No one enjoys having to wait. Your platform had better be lightning fast. A responsive product is expected from a consumer, therefore make sure it operates properly.
  • Not all devices/browsers are compatible. Your product should be adaptable, therefore be prepared to test it on a variety of platforms. It is preferable to first determine your audience’s interests. By the way, while services like Browserstack enable testing in various contexts, if a project requires running on a touchscreen device, it must be tested on an actual device.

That is merely a partial list of potential faults and quality defects that can severely impact user experience.

3. What is the best way to test

The following are some suggestions for improving the E-Learning QA testing process:

  • Examine your E-Learning course from a new viewpoint.?

You should hire someone who is completely fresh to the e-Learning development process. With a fresh mind, it’s always easier to notice errors. He or she can assist you in identifying the most critical faults that must be corrected. However, as there is a concern about sensitive information, make sure you engage someone you can trust. Also, realize that you won’t be able to enlist the help of a fresh person every time you wish to generate a new release (sure you can, but it is not effective and comfortable).

  • It is necessary to perform testing.?

Who wants to take your course if it isn’t functioning properly? It is critical that the performance levels of the E-learning software be thoroughly tested. The product must be perfect, simple to use, and comprehend. Performance testing ensures that access to the system or data is not hampered in any way.

  • Make a list of methods for testing your eLearning platform.

When it comes to eLearning quality assurance, it’s critical to experiment with some unusual tools and methodologies. It’s also crucial to keep track of each phase of the bug-finding and bug-fixing process. This will also assist you in identifying weak areas and automating the procedure in the future.

So you’ve discovered some issues and understood that you need to test and develop your online training platform more thoroughly.


As even the tiniest of bugs can have enormous ramifications, quality assurance and software testing are important elements of the E-Learning platform development process. You must be certain that your customers will receive a perfect product. It’s especially vital when building e-learning platforms because clients’ expectations of study tools are naturally high. You may employ a QA team with the necessary knowledge to acquire the best results and ensure that your clients receive a faultless product.?

To accomplish that, you may either rely on in-house staff to ensure quality or hire outside QA testers to provide a in dependent and professional perspective from the outside. TestDel has conducted quality assurance for e-learning platforms before. Contact us if you’d like to try out our quality assurance testing services.


