What You Need To Know About Your Hair Loss
Hair loss affects more than 6 million men and 4 million women in the United States every year. Once the first signs of hair loss appear it could be very stressful. Fortunately there are many treatment options available for hair loss both medically and surgically. In order to find out the best hair treatment options that fits the particular hair loss, the first step is to consult a hair restoration specialist. During the consultation, the hair specialist can diagnose the cause for hair loss and give recommendations that best fits one's concerns. If hair transplant is a viable option there are many modern techniques available that could help restore the lost hair naturally.
Hair transplants of today have evolved through the years both in the harvesting techniques and placements of grafts into the scalp area. With FUT and FUE hair transplant harvesting techniques, patients can enjoy harvesting thousands of units at one session, without worrying about huge scars. These harvesting methods if done by a specialized hair restoration surgeon can leave very minimal scarring that can hardly be detected and look natural.
The recipient area preparation and placement of grafts has also gone though a transformation. Most qualified hair restoration surgeons use customized needles to make the incisions following the patient's own orientation and direction of native hair. The different zones are mapped out for distribution of one, two and three hair units. Each unit is placed according to the size and orientation of hair. With this method a more densely packed hairline can be achieved using very small customized needles to make thousands of one and two hair units in the front. As the doctor starts to make the units in the mid-scalp areas more larger units are used to get more density. With precise incisions and mapping of the zones, patients can have great density as well as natural results.
Research also continues to advance in the field of stem cell therapy, hair multiplication, cell therapy, and tissue engineering, by which a single hair follicle could be turned into hundreds of thousands of hair cells or follicles in the laboratory. At the yearly meetings of ABHRS and ISHRS many hair restoration specialists present the latest developments in this field. If this method is perfected, The cells can produce infinite harvesting units which can then be placed back into the balding scalp. This phenomenon has already been proven feasible in humans, however research is still in the preliminary stages and has to be further developed in the future.
If hair transplant is not a viable option, there are many medical hair treatment options that help to regain hair and prevent future hair loss. Most of these treatments are usually recommended at the beginning stage of hair loss. However if hair loss is genetic most hair restoration doctors recommend that patients stay on medical hair treatment for preventive purposes. It is best to consult a hair restoration specialist to find out the best hair treatment options that best fits a person's hair loss concerns.
Dr. Meshkin is honored to be recognized as a designated long standing member of ISHRS by his peers and also be certified diplomat by ABHRS for his knowledge and skill as a specialized hair restoration surgeon. He performs FUE and FUT hair transplant in Newport Beach office and offers hair restoration consultations at his offices in Los Angles area. To find out more about your hair loss, visit one of Dr. Meshkin's FUE hair transplant and FUT hair restoration clinics in Los Angeles and Newport Beach locations. Dr. Meshkin will use the latest techniques to make his evaluation and see if you can benefit from hair restoration procedure. If you are a good candidate, Dr. Meshkin gives the best hair restoration recommendations customized to your needs and concerns.
If you are suffering from hair loss or hair thinning you can contact us at (949) 219-0027 to schedule for a consultation or visit our website at www.meshkinmedical.com