What You Need to Know to Spot the Most Common Money Scams

What You Need to Know to Spot the Most Common Money Scams

What multi-billion dollar industry thrives no matter what’s happening with the economy??

Financial fraud.

In 2019, Financial Fraud pulled in at least $1.9 billion. (1)

And unlike other industries, the business of financial fraud is always evolving, it is exceptionally lucrative, and it is more sophisticated than ever before. (2)

The many forms financial fraud takes is the focus of this month’s Visual Insights Newsletter.

Click here to see it!

From identity theft to imposter scams, con artists use all sorts of tactics to try to steal cash and personal information.

If you know how these scams work—and what they all usually have in common—you can easily spot them and avoid getting taken.

Go ahead and click here to see what modern money scams look like.

When was the last time you spotted a scam? What gave it away? Reply to this article and tell us. We would like to hear more about your experience.

- Jim Moniz MSFS & Dr. Kate Leonard, Northeast Wealth Management

1/ https://www.ftc.gov/reports/consumer-sentinel-network-data-book-2019

2/ https://www.firstdata.com/downloads/pdf/STARFraudeBookFINAL.pdf


