What you need to know for National Organic Month

What you need to know for National Organic Month

Is organic food actually healthier? During a cost-of-living crisis, is it worth the added expense?

Let’s explore and find out.

First, what does organic mean?

The term “organic” refers to the way that agricultural products are grown and processed.

Organic livestock raised for meat, eggs, and dairy products must be raised in living conditions similar to their natural habitats (like having the ability to graze on pastures) and only fed natural feed and forage. They are not able to be given antibiotics, growth hormones, or animal bi-products.

Crops must be grown with natural fertilisers (such as manure and compost), have weed managed through crop rotation or natural herbicides, and pest controlled using natural methods (birds, insects, traps) and naturally derived pesticides.

What are the benefits over non-organic farming?

The way food is grown can have a massive impact on the wellbeing of yourself and the environment.

Organic food often contains more nutrients, such as antioxidants, and those with allergies to foods, chemicals, or preservatives may find that their symptoms are lessened, and sometimes not experienced completely. Of course, if you have a food allergy then you should seek professional advice before trying an organic alternative to that food type.

  1. Organic food contains fewer pesticides – Chemicals such as synthetic fungicides, herbicides, and insecticides are widely used in conventional farming. These chemicals often remain on, and in, the foods that we eat.
  2. Organic food is usually fresher – Organic foods don’t contain the preservatives that conventional farms use, therefore they typically don’t last as long. However, this is often a good thing, because for this reason foods are often grown closer to where you are. Of course, check before you buy.
  3. Organic food tends to be better for the environment – Synthetic pesticides aren’t typically healthy for local wildlife and communities. In addition, not using these pesticides may help reduce pollution, soil erosion, soil infertility, conserve water, and use less energy to produce.
  4. Organically raised livestock are not given antibiotics, growth hormones, or animal bi-products – The feeding of animal bi-products increases the risk of various diseases, and the use of antibiotics can create strains of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Animals that are raised organically tend to have more space to roam, which helps them to remain healthy.
  5. Organic meat and milk can be richer in certain nutrients – A European study in 2016 showed that a number of nutrients, including Omega-3 fatty acids, were up to 50% higher in organic meat and milk compared to conventionally raised alternatives.
  6. Organic food is GMO-free – Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) or genetically engineered (GE) foods are plants whose DNA has been altered in ways that cannot occur in nature or through traditional cross-breeding.

Does organic mean pesticide-free?

In short, no it doesn’t. However, organic farmers only use natural pesticides rather than their synthetic counterparts.

Natural pesticides are believed to be less toxic, but some have been found to have health risks. With that said, your exposure to harmful substances will be dramatically reduced when eating organic foods.

Going organic on a budget

We’re all facing a cost-of-living crisis right now and budgets are getting more stretched each day.

Organic food is typically more expensive than products from more conventional farms because farming organically is more labour intensive, organic certification is expensive, and natural animal feeds costs more. However, there are ways that you can shop organic on a budget.

  • Buy in season – When fruits and vegetables are in season they’re usually grown in abundance, and as a result often cheaper. Use this as an opportunity to mix up your meals throughout the year.
  • Shop around – Compare the prices between supermarkets, online stores, and even the freezer isles.
  • Look local – We’re big advocates of supporting local businesses, whether they’re a trader at your local farmers’ market or the little butcher around the corner. These venders usually work with local farms.

Why not go organic for this year’s National Organic Month?

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