MY FAMILY in Florida is not waiting on a solution to the Coronavirus Outbreak that has now spread to over 200 thousand people worldwide. WE are taking matters in our own hands and we swear that this approach is far better than what most people are doing now.
"Look, I found something that works for us. I am not worried about the Coronavirus hitting our family because I have several ways to fight back.It is so potent that it kills germs on contact, it rids the air of contaminants and you can rub it into your skin to greatly boost your immune response. Even if you do catch a virus, the symptoms and time it affects you experience, are greatly reduced".
The World Health Organization has declared the coronavirus outbreak a global pandemic as people prepare for self-quarantine, every day products are flying off the shelves making it harder and harder to get basic items. It is expected that the U.S. alone will see the number double and triple over the next year.
Millions Worried as Vaccines In Limbo
There are several dozen ongoing research efforts to develop a coronavirus vaccine, as the World Health Organization listed 35 candidates in a recent report.
A top US health official has said it will take at least 12 months to 18 months to determine if any vaccine is safe and effective against this ongoing pandemic, which has killed more than 4,300 people and infected upwards of 120,000
While people are rushing to buy toilet paper, sanitizer, water and food in preparations for a possible "self-quarantine", WE have been stocking up ESSENTIAL OILS .The herbal oil blend is an essential oil blend of several high potency oils that are claimed to kill germs and viruses among other health benefits.
The claims aren't exactly unfounded. After doing our research one of the main oils in the blend is Eucalyptus. Eucalyptus Oil can help fight off bacteria and viruses, though it isn’t effective as an antifungal essential oil. It has been proven to be able to effectively kill 22 types of harmful bacteria, like E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus.
It has also been proven to be effective against a number of viruses, particularly the swine flu (H1N1) and herpes type 1 (HSV1) viruses. Could it also kill the 2020 Coronavirus?
We asked researcher James Murdock what his thoughts where on the subject. "Actually, while we haven’t studied the direct effect of the oil on the COVID-19 disease, it is plausible that it could have the ability to kill the virus on contact." He went on to say that MOST ESSENTIAL OILS appears to also have cinnamon, clove, lemon, lime, rosemary, peppermint, spearmint and oregano oils, that it could be considered a very strong product as the first line of defense against an outbreak in your home."
"Every day, I run a few drops through our diffuser which does a couple things. 1, it disperses the immunity boosting oil into the air which you breathe in. and boosts your immune system greatly increasing your chances to fight off illness which you breathe into your lungs.
We mix the oil with vinegar and clean my entire home with it. WE really think this is one of the main reasons why our family has not gotten sick in such a long time. It really does the trick. "This oil is very strong, so we recommend a few drops in either oil, water, or vinegar for a highly effective hand sanitizer." to protect your family from unwanted viruses, is to rub the oil into your family’s feet at night just before bed. "A very small amount rubbed into the feel allows the oil to penetrate into your body and greatly improve your immune system.We Do this anytime we suspect a cold coming on, or we have been around anyone who is sick. It will knock anything out within a day or two." "We have not seen a demand like this before in our lifetime. I think that people feel helpless and want to do something to protect themselves and their loved ones from spreading this disease." FOR more information about these powerful Essential Oils...feel free to contact me at [email protected] or call me at 754-367-7066 ask for SAM.or leave me a message FB Messenger ...my website www.granpasamblogs.com