What You Need To Know Before You Get A Puppy For Christmas
Michal Oska/EyeEm/Getty

What You Need To Know Before You Get A Puppy For Christmas

It’s that time of year again, when parents are searching for the best way to fill their children’s eyes with glee on Christmas morning. And more than a few are going to decide a puppy is the best way to accomplish that goal.

It makes sense. Puppies fill everyone with glee. Their little wet noses and perfect puppy breath combine with their tiny puppy bodies in this little bundle of perfection no one can resist. Everyone gets that jolt of serotonin when a puppy is around, and parents get to be the hero when they present their kids with a new forever friend.

But that only works if the friend truly is forever.

One of the very best decisions I have made in this year, when nothing has gone as planned, has been to volunteer for a local rescue to foster puppies for a few weeks at a time while they get spayed or neutered and then placed for adoption.

My daughter and I had fostered kittens before, but the puppies were another level of joy as far as I was concerned.

They were also about a thousand times more work.

Check out the full story on Scary Mommy. And let me know if you'd like me to write a story for your publication.


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