What You Must Know About Goal Setting

What You Must Know About Goal Setting

Okay - it's time we discuss some things you already know. About goal setting.

You know the only way to achieve your dream, the only way to get close to achieving your vision of success is...

start small and work your way up.

One goal at a time. One step at a time.

Just to recap ... in case you really didn't know the WHY behind creating a step-by-step plan –

It is easier to achieve one easy goal rather than achieve 100 individual tasks

It is safer (emotionally and financially) to start small and work your way up

Fulfilling lots of individuals goals keeps you motivated and positive

It’s easier to keep track of steps and organize plans of action

It’s easier for friends or acquaintances to help you to achieve individual tasks

Failure on a step is a minor setback, not a major loss that destroys the mission

This is the most important lesson I can offer you about goals:

create a list of manageable goals.

Here's the secret to accomplishing great things...heck, to accomplishing anything! Get the "dreams" out of your head and on paper. List them.

Large or small, doesn't matter. They're taking up space in your head and stopping you from achieving success.

Once you have that list: I don't care how silly it might make you feel - resist the urge to do away with your list of goals.

Now, this list of your goals is your personal life plan.

Without these goals you have no direction and only a vague motivation that isn’t enough to keep you engaged and active and excited about life.

"If you don't know where you're going, you'll end up somewhere else" ~ Yogi Berra

and that somewhere else is not a happy place. It's a place of discontentment, resentment, and regrets.

So, get your "dreams" listed, your end results, your goals.

You're going to see that some are long-term goals and can be achieved in 10 or more years.

You should see that some are mid-term goals and can be achieved in 5 or so years.

And, some are clearly short-term goals that can be achieved in 1 year or less. A few of them probably can be accomplished in 30 days or so.

And some just look out of place, don't they? Those are the actual dreams - gee, it would be nice but it's not something I really want.

Now what?

Pick 1 long-term goal. Now look at your list and pick out what supports that long-term goal.

Do the same with any other long-term goal you have.

As you do this exercise something interesting is going to happen. You are going to discover what your "real" goals are.

And you'll see what you want to work toward and the steps - smaller goals - that will get you there.

Now you have a plan to refer to do when you wonder what you should be doing next.

Yeah, it is that simple. If you insist on making it more complicated, maybe you're not ready to be doing what you say you want to do.

That's cool. Just know that once you've done this, anytime you complain about not having what you want in life or that you aren't where you 'want to be' in life you will be reminded that ...

If you don't decide where you want to go, where you end up isn't nearly as fun.


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