What if you made learning your top priority this summer?
Rebekah Shoaf
Author, Educational Consultant, Social Entrepreneur ?? Co-author of Educating with Passion and Purpose: Keep the Fire Going without Burning Out ?? Out now from Jossey-Bass/Wiley. Available wherever books are sold!
In?our?new book,?Educating with Passion and Purpose: Keep the Fire Going without Burning Out (out now from Wiley !), my co-author Meredith Matson and I write, "We believe a teacher's most important job is to be the lead learner." That's why we have an entire chapter called Being the Lead Learner!
Why do we write about leaning into learning in a book about teacher burnout?
Here's an excerpt from what I share in that chapter:
Throughout my career as an educator I have always thought of myself as a learner first and have been drawn to opportunities to explore and experiment. These ongoing learning experiences have made me a better teacher by keeping me immersed in the learning process. Because I'm always searching for new ways to learn, I never feel "done." Learning on my own has always been a year-round pursuit, whether that meant embracing my own joyful, vibrant, enchanting, empowering learning experiences during the school day, after school, or over the summer.
Starting in my first years as a teacher, I applied for grants and fellowships and brought that learning back to my students. Whether I was studying with Shakespeare scholars in Stratford-upon-Avon, retracing my grandparents' 1983 journey through Soviet-era Hungary, training preservice teachers in the Bronx, or working in a vegan restaurant for my culinary school internship, I saw the world as my classroom, and I wanted my students to feel the same way.
Summer vacation is an ideal time for self-directed learning, but that doesn't have to mean travel. In the book, I also write about my summer learning experiences taking cooking classes, teaching summer school, and visiting museums right at home. Here are 4 prompts that Meredith and I include in the book that can help educators design their own summer learning experience:
Top 4 Prompts?for Planning Your Summer Learning: