What are you looking at?
This is my kid Alec...loaded with facial expressions. Until he is 18 yrs old, these pictures are mine...! Dont use them.

What are you looking at?

I think we have all heard the expression - poker face. I have used it both in a funny manner and also to describe the demeanor of an individual. To have a "poker face" says that an individual has the ability to hide their true thoughts or feelings in order to throw off anyone that is observing or conversing with them. Having a poker face can be powerful and also has the ability to control given scenario.

Recently, I attended an event hosted by the Jewish Vocational Services (JVS) organization called Face Reading For Business. The title intrigued me and I was looking forward to the event. I was not disappointed. The session was led by Face reading expert, Lin Klaassen - internationally known for her ability to provide accurate information just by observing a face.

This was a fascinating session on so many levels. Some interesting tidbits I learned:

  • We don't see people for who they are, we see people based on who we are.
  • The cellular level of the brain makes up our facial features.
  • Our face doesn't change due to age, it changes due to our experiences, stress, thoughts, etc.
  • The initial contact is crucial - if you are meeting a new person for the first time, give them space -- long enough time to "read" their face. If they have a low eyebrow..they should be approachable; high eyebrow..formal, it will take some time for them to warm up to you.
  • Thick eyebrows usually belongs to billionaires (hmmm....not sure about that one!)
  • Wild eyebrows usually belong to inventors. Makes sense...Edison, Einstein.
  • The larger the mouth - the more you know they talk (No comment!)

It definitely makes you more aware of your surroundings and it was fun to watch everyone grab their mirror or phone and look at themselves. It was funny to watch others (OK, I was one of them) look at other people too.

Good work JVS Detroit (proud Troy Chamber member by the way) and it was nice to see a lot of different.....faces.


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