What if You Live to 150?

What if You Live to 150?

What if you knew that you would live to be 150??

What would you do if God told you that you would live to be 150 years old? What would you do differently, and what would you do now to prepare for all those extra years?

?We know that born-again Christians live forever; however, when we leave this physical body, we will continue to live that eternal life in a spiritual body, not in this physical body. So, what would you do with 150 years in your present physical body on this earth? Is that even possible?

?While that may seem absurd, God did actually promise that and more in Isaiah 65:20. “No child will die in infancy; everyone will live a very long life. Anyone a hundred years old will be considered young, and to die younger than that will be considered a curse.” CEV

?He also said in verse 22, “For as the days of a tree,

so will be the days of my people.”

?When will this scriptural promise come about? We don’t really know, but we do know that it is in God’s plans for the future. Given the likelihood of there being a great harvest soon, it may not be that far in the future.

?Medical science has also claimed that they expect to be able to extend life well beyond 100 years in the foreseeable future. So, seeing all that as a possibility, what would you do, or how would that change your thinking?

?One hundred fifty years would be approximately two ordinary lifetimes. Even a person in their eighties would have enough extra time to re-educate themselves and learn new skills or change the entire direction of their lives. So, what would your attitude, goals, or desires be if you knew you would live as long as a tree?

?Would you continue, as most are doing now, to twiddle your thumbs and wait on the Lord to come and do the things for you that you should already be doing as a son or daughter of God? Would you seek ways to increase your wealth and influence in the business or political world, or would you seek to be a better person or to help the homeless or encourage people more or work toward being a better, more effective ambassador of Christ, having a greater effect on the people of the world? We would definitely be faced with some very serious decisions to make.

?Actually, we should live our lives today, no matter our present age or life expectancy, as if we are going to live to be one hundred fifty. We should entertain thoughts about increasing our impact on society; we should think about what our part is in helping to expand His kingdom on earth. There is much to do in that regard.

?We help to expand the Kingdom of God on this earth by showing God's goodness and mercy to those we come in contact with and also those hurting that we never see. We can also help to bring His kingdom into focus by bringing the wisdom of the ages that is inherent in each of us through the Holy Spirit that dwells in all born-again Christians and expressing the light of that wisdom in conditions or situations in our area of influence.

?There is a whole world out there that can use any good thing you are willing to do to help remove the influence of the enemy out of their lives.

The good that we do now affects more than just the present day. It also has an impact on eternal matters.

Very often, likely most often, just doing what you do as you walk along, co-laboring with him while listening to the Holy Spirit, brings about a harvest, a harvest that we can add to his for greater kingdom expansion.

?What would you do if God granted you 150 years?

The truth is, most people generally wouldn’t change all that much. They likely would just continue doing as they always have, unless there was a great spiritual awakening that simultaneously occurred within them. A greater spiritual awareness, a closer relationship that will bring them into alignment with God so that we know His heart and have greater understanding of the scripture and spiritual matters.

?Jesus told us in the Sermon on the Mount to be salt and light to the world. How do we do that? We do it by asking ourselves and God the all-important question: How shall we now live?

?The answer is as sons and daughters and as kings and priests of the King in his kingdom, as co-laborers with God.

?In John 21:11, when Jesus asked the disciples to bring their fish and add them to his, he was expressing figuratively how we should co-labor with him. Working together following Jesus’ lead always results in more “fish,” more people saved, healed, or delivered. We actually can imitate the works he did when he walked the earth in human form. (John 14:12) That’s co-laboring as sons and daughters of God.

?As we co-labor with him and add our fish and good deeds to his, we may encounter some resistance from the enemies’ camp. When and if we do, that’s when walking in our authority as kings and priests comes in.

?Revelation 5:10 tells us that we are kings and priests. Kings have authority in the physical/governmental realm; priests have authority in the spiritual realm, which affects the natural physical realm as well. We have been declared to be kings and priests by God with the ability to decree and declare things (Job 22:28 and Mark 11:23). We can use that authority to heal the wounds caused by the devil, especially his harmful activities in people’s lives, and to tear down strongholds wherever we encounter them.

?Act as if you were certain that God had promised you 150 years and work diligently to accomplish your goals, but truthfully you don’t need a hundred and fifty years to bring that outcome to fruition; you can use the days you have now to make your imprint on humanity with your ability and mandate to share God’s goodness with the world.

?No matter if we travel this earthly path for a normal time or have our days extended, we can do all that He called us to do in that time frame. Just determine to do it, relax, and enjoy walking with God.

[email protected]




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