What Are You Honking?
LOVE THIS.....Motivation.....Surely all of us have heard the honking of a Canada goose overhead and looked up to see them flying in V-formation. Scientists in wind-tunnel tests have discovered that geese actually fly 72% farther in a V-formation than they could on their own. The goose off the trailing wing of another is flying in a partial vacuum and, consequently, is able to fly farther. You have probably wondered why one leg of the V is always longer than the other. The explanation for that is quite simple: The longer one has more geese in it.
From time to time the formation appears to break, but what's happening is the lead goose is being replaced by another who is more rested because he's not been fighting the same amount of headwind the lead goose has been fighting.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if we were as considerate of those around us as are the geese of their leader? Perhaps we, too, would get more done.
The goose is also wise in another department. If some of the geese start to lag behind, there are a large number of honks that come forth from the rest of the geese. Psychologists believe those goose honks are more than just noise-makers, they are honks of encouragement. They're really saying, "Come one, Partner, pick up the pace! Farmer Brown's pond's only four miles ahead. You can do it!" So, in essence, they're motivators giving encouragement to their lagging companion. In addition, if a goose gets sick or is wounded, two other geese will drop out of formation to follow and protect it until it either dies or is able to move on.
There's quite a lesson in that message, too. If we were more supportive and encouraging to our associates and family members, surely there would be more unity and accomplishment. I believe if we will follow the examples of the goose we will get more done individually as well as collectively. And if we do, I will SEE YOU AT THE TOP! Zig Zigler