What are you harvesting this season?
Seasonally, this is the time of year when the harvest is brought in from the fields (in the northern hemisphere), reaping the rewards for preparing the ground and planting seeds earlier in the year. At home, this summer energy means bringing in the silage, hay making and baling and carting the straw, providing fodder and bedding for our small herd of grass-fed suckler cows and calves.
The transition of seasons can bring anticipation of renewed energy and motivation. As the season moves from Summer to Autumn, it reminds us to take some time before turning our attention to - what’s next. Now can be an ideal time to survey the fields of our lives and gather our own crops. A time to check in with our plans and projects and sort the wheat (things to celebrate, and give thanks for) from the chaff (things to discard, to let go of). Taking time for reflection is a valuable skill for effectively leading yourself and others.
At work, this Summer has involved gathering the team that I love working with, Eleanor and Maddy at The Wild Academy (Instagram @TheWildAcademy), who continue to guide me in the wisdom of nature; Anshul Sinha Sinha, a friend made in India in 2019, a business coach and mentor; and Abby Monroe, an artistic alchemist beautifully creating designs that bring me joy (Instagram @AbbyMonroe) . I’m celebrating completing a project, admittedly from seeds planted several years ago, in the form of a brochure that provides you with an insight into nature-inspired leadership coaching and, the Wild Path methodology – my proven, 3-stage process of reflection, realignment and resolution.
When you slow down a little and notice the change in season, what are you noticing?
Astrologically we have moved into Virgo season (23 August – 22 September) following on from the exuberant, fun, zany energy of Leo that preceded. A moonthly theme of health, organisation and service calls for our attention. Celestially there is a shift in collective focus, that feeling of ‘back to school’ and implementing the practical realities of life, where big ideas meet everyday actions.
You may find that you are naturally getting organised, having a ‘clear out’ or upgrading projects and processes. Maybe you are realigning systems that are no longer working for you.
It can also feel like there is much to do but you don’t know what or how. ?If you are prone to being a perfectionist, or being overly self-critical, be mindful of how this shows up for you. Whilst your strength maybe attention to detail, does this also lean into you overworking?
Keeping perspective, and keeping it simple
How can this seasonal energy be optimised for our working life? Colin Bedell writes of a Virgoen strategy being one of simplicity. We tend to think that our solutions need to be as complex as the problem we are wanting to solve, and so can often overlook the value of simplicity and the mundane. Yet when goal setting and solution-thinking is rooted in simplifying the complex our conscious, everyday actions can create miracle outcomes.? What is different for you, for your colleagues, family and friends, when you embrace simplicity?
If you would like to, take a moment and more, to think about - in the context of (i) your health, (ii) your organising and (iii) your work - what three simple actions you can you include this season?
In coaching, part of its process of learning encourages noticing – the situation, thoughts, emotions and behaviour toward whatever the context is you are seeking clarity on. I’m curious about how our natural ability to adapt with the seasons can support us in our leadership development. Over the next few months I’m going to be venturing through connecting the challenges and opportunities of business life with nature, whilst embracing inconsistency, the unpredictable, rhythm and cycles and the interconnectedness that is.
The Wild Academy - Rewild Your Year diary
Prue Nichols - www.pruenichols.com
Colin Bedell - www.magicofi.com
Kirsty Gallagher - Lunar Living