What if you had a MAGIC WAND that could whip-up thousands of new hooks & big ideas in your Ads - on demand?
What if you had a MAGIC WAND that could whip-up thousands of new hooks & big ideas in your Ads - on demand?
Wouldn’t that be great?
Come here.
Let me show you …
How To Come Up With THOUSANDS Of Unique Ideas For Your Ads Or Long Form Copy
Let's pretend you sell a home fitness plan that helps people get in shape.
There’s millions of them out there especially in “New Year, New Me January” right?
So most Ads in your market will say something like:
“How To Lose Weight Fast
Download this free guide”
“Get In Shape Fast, No Gym Needed’
All pretty standard and boring, right?
Now, I don’t have a magic wand to give you…
But I do have my ‘10 Magic Word’ Framework that works in the same way!.
These 10 Magic words are:
Let me show you how powerful they can be …
Let’s start with NEW.
Ask yourself if there is anything NEW or UNIQUE about your product or service you can announce?
If all you do is help people work out and eat better, you might not think so.
In fact, this is where most business owners get stuck. And just try and “swipe” they see working from their competition.
But we don’t have to do that you know..
There’s a MUCH better way. Because NEW and UNIQUE are just TWO of the 10 Magic Words we still have another 8 to go.
(And then thousands more when you start combining and stacking them!)
So let’s look at the next magic word on the list:
What can you announce for FREE in your Ad to get attention?
You could say something like:
This FREE Beach Body quiz helps figure out your body type & gives the right nutrition & exercise for you - try it now.
That’s more interesting, right?
It's pretty easy to put a quiz together online these days too. But if you don’t want to do that, let's look at the next magic word:
Ask yourself, what PROBLEM is your prospect having?
Then use that as your headline..
‘Want To Look And Feel Younger Again?
Try These Simple Daily Movements For 30 Days”
Bit more intriguing right?
But let's not stop here. Let’s go to the next magic word:
What proof element can you start your Ad with?
What if we took a proof element from nutrition side of your program and used that as your hook to say:
“Drinking Water Before Meals Can Increase Weight Loss & By 44%” - Discover How To Use Simple Daily Habits For Rapid Body Transformations
Do you see how that little tidbit gets the attention we want in a credible way?
We’re moving in the right direction now aren’t we? But still we can still do better.
In fact, even more powerful than using the Magic Words one by one... is what you can do when you start STACKING THEM!
I'm telling you.. Once you get in the habit of using these 10 Magic Words, the ideas you’ll come up with are insane…
New “Home Body Babe” System Trains Your Brain To Form Healthy Weight Loss Habits - Try It Free For 30 Days
Can you see what we did there?
We used NEW, UNIQUE, PROBLEM, FREE all in one little headline.
See how much more compelling your Ads can be?
Even though we're writing about the SAME program everyone else is selling?
And we’re still only scratching the surface here. We could go much DEEPER, and far more emotional if we wanted to seriously ramp up response.
Heck, there’s 7 more Magic Words we haven’t even touched yet..
I mean, what if we touch on the magic word WHO? Ohhh.
Now here’s where you can get a FIREBALL of response if you wanted. Let me show..
Ask yourself… Who is your prospect trying to impress?
What’s driving them to lose weight or build muscle?
Asking that question leads to headline ideas like;
“Make That Man Notice You’
Make That Woman Want You”
Can you fell that pang in your gut when you read that?
Remember we’re all base emotional creatures at the end of the day... We just cover it up by saying clever things
You see where I’m going with this?
10 Magic Words baby!
It's the key to THOUSANDS of Ad ideas that can open up a WORLD of response in any market you want. No matter how packed or competitive it is.
So anyone hope you enjoyed this Article and go ahead and use it!
P.S. If you need BIG IDEAS for your Ads and long form copy but don’t have time to come up with them yourself…
Why not let our expert team assist you?
Give us 30 days and we will:
*Help you generate new big ideas for all your long form copy + ads
*Do market research for you
*Show you how to model the top performing offers in your niche
*Bring you winning A/B tests
*Help you create more compelling offers
So you get increased conversions from your marketing. Which means more sales, more profits and a better business life for you. Good right?
You, as the business owner, can go through the coaching program yourself if you want. Or, you can simply plug our team in alongside your current copywriters or marketing team... to amplify the results of their work.
Interested? Send me a message