What you give power to, has power over you
Kishore Ramkrishna Shintre
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“Wu wei is an important concept in Taoism that literally means non-action or non-doing. In the Tao te Ching, Lao Tzu explains that beings (or phenomena) that are wholly in harmony with the Tao behave in a completely natural, uncontrived way.”——Wikipedia. Otherwise, you should know that nobody can take power from you unless you willingly give it to them.One of the ways that people give away their power is to react to other people. Reactionary personalities are social primitives.
They go through life having emotional reactions to everything that others do or say. They go through life in a manner that can be characterized as “fighting” or being emotionally reactive to others. It is a manner of living that requires retaliation, revenge, or “getting even” with others. Generally, it leads to never-ending conflict and personal torment.
We examine this situation in the light of social taboos, religious no-nos, common sense norms and situational requirements. You are your own boss, well wisher of those who care and respect you and at par with general lot around you. Treat all elders, whosoever they are, with respect. Considering all of same age people with whom you want to interact, give space on case to case basis. Try to be mentor of youngsters and wrench out respect from them using logic and tact.
Do not give too much weight to those who try to prevail upon you and tackle them with patience, maturity and courage. Show through body language your intentions and feelings first and then be pleasantly vocal. Do what suits you best without taking the lead in damaging your relationships.
However, always keep a small window open for those who realize and start giving due respect. They may soon understand the value of your association. Proceed with care and firmness without drawing a curtain on decency that should be hallmark of your sweet personality and never let yourself fall in anger trap.
Nobody has power over me but myself. Nobody. They haven't taken it. I've allowed them to. This sounds glib. Because I don't know the story behind the question. But it's about your centre. It's about growing up. Which is what we have to do. And once we do….well.. we don't care anymore. They are bullies and they are weak. Let's think about something better. They are not important. People only have power over you if you give it to them.
Of course, there are exceptions, when abilities or capabilities and resources are unbalanced, such as between parents and children, suppliers and buyers, and in the world, the rich and the poor. All other things being equal, when people carry themselves in a way that exudes confidence and control over themselves, that can be interpreted as power. This is why your appearance and the way you carry yourself matters. If that same person dressed weirdly and looked down as they walked, they would never get the power they have.
If I have entered any room I would automatically start introducing my self to strangers making new friendships! Any way a friend saw me once and he's a psychologist and he told me that i use reverse psychology without really meaning it ! For example when I meet someone new I would always ask them for a small favour that's a sort of reverse psychology makes someone feels that you're their friend because we don't make favour for someone we don't know! And goes on! There's a list of psychology tricks to make people love you.
People who walk into a room expecting that they are magical, teach people who they are and what they expect. While, of course, this doesn't work on everyone or like yourself, most people simply follow the easiest course of action and go along with the messages they receive from the person themselves.
A person who is trying to dominate you will attempt to make themselves appear to be bigger. They may stand while you sit. They may sit on the edge of their desk while placing you in a low chair. They may stretch their necks, lift their chins, stand with their arms akimbo etc. They may stand with their legs wider than others. This behavior is based on a few factors. It’s more stable and thus offers a better platform from which to either attack or defend. It takes up more space, establishing your place in the pecking order.
There are various kind of aggression showing the power over other people. Overt aggression- This is the simplest way of showing power over another. A raised hand, an angry word, widened eyes, shouting, a fully flexed body and even quick aggressive breaths are the most obvious way of showing power.
Subtle aggression- Right from an angry look to a hand which is raised to stop one from talking. All non-verbal yet noticeable cues, to show power over another
Passive aggression- Clear cut sarcasm, Laughing at peoples abilities, making them feel small in a subtle manner etc… Basically, verbal but subtle manners of cutting someone down to size.
Understood aggression - This is the kind of power that has too many precedents and need not be exercised too often. This is the case where children or soldiers know what a strict father or commander will do to them if they do something wrong.
Co-operative power- This is when all people involved are more or less equal and will listen to subtle cues or a situational leader more out of love and respect than fear. When a husband and a wife are at a party and the husband starts to say something but realizes he should ask his wife and looks at her, she responds with by either closing her eyes or nodding. That is co-operative power. We must understand people first internally before handing over power to them. Stay blessed! #kishoreshintre #possessedbywritingspirit
good one! interesting article! Kishore Shintre