What are you dreaming about?
Caricacture by Karina Foo

What are you dreaming about?

How do you really understand yourself if you feel like you’re falling through the cracks?

80% of Australians are living in some form of Financial Stress; handcuffed to their mortgage, no money to invest, and insufficient funds in retirement, no time and a lack of self-belief to make investment decisions.

Is this your life?

Week 3 of my own transformational journey is to dive deep into the lives of Australians and gain a better understanding of the great Australian Dream and explore whether I am living it, or not. 

The Question I asked myself is:
What is the Australian Dream? 

Is living the dream important to me?  Am I living it?  What kind of person do I need to be to live the dream?

...What changes do I need to make to live the dream?

The Australian Dream is (as per research conducted by McCrindle on behalf of the Financial Planning Association in Australia): Having a lifestyle of choice growing each day towards greater financial freedom, creating safety and security for your family, owning your home debt free, pursuing hobbies and free up time for those you love – all without fear and regret.

This week the reflection to you is “ Is living the Australian Dream important to you?

If it is, are you living it?

Congratulations if you are. If not then, what do you need to do to live the dream?

This is not some far fetched wishful thinking that only wealthy people talk about and laugh over expensive glasses of champagne... Living your dream is possible and achievable and it's at the tip of your fingertips.  

For a start, I would like to share with you the publication by the Financial Planning Association to give you a greater understanding of this research conducted:

Financial Planning Association (August 2017) ‘Living the Dream’ Report

Next week, I’ll talk about some critical questions to address to transform your business and life after this pandemic is over. 

Enjoy the sun and Big Hugs,



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