Is What You Are Doing To Be Super Fit, Super Healthy, & Super Happy Working For You In 2018?
Did you know that Michael Jordan’s biography on the National Basketball Association's (NBA's) official website reads, "By acclamation, Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player of all time?" He's won 2 Olympic gold medals, helpedlead his team to NBA championships six times (5 of those times as Most Valuable Player), he's a ten-time NBA high scorer, has been named to 14 All-Star teams, and is a Basketball Hall of Fame member. For all of those accomplishments, however, one of the things that stand out about Michael Jordan is that he doesn't rest on his laurels. He gets better byanalyzing his potential faults or weaknesses and eliminating them. So he's always striving to reach his full potential and improving his performance. Did you know that chiropractic care has played a part in this process? Michael Jordan himself puts it this way: "I didn't know how much I could improve until I started seeing a chiropractor. Since I've been in chiropractic, I've improved by leaps and bounds both mentally and physically." With this statement, Jordan has joined the long list of elite athletes who have recently added their voices to a "Get Adjusted" campaign. “Did you know that Kobe Bryant is one of the notable athletes receiving chiropractic care who can’t afford to take chances with their health and well-being? Can you afford to take chances with your health and well-being? Are you sure? "The techniques that we have available to ourselves now, the level of treatment that we have available is basically around the clock,'' Bryant said. "I have a solid team of five or six guys and women that are very capable in different areas: chiropractor, neuromuscular therapist, dietician, chef, yada, yada, yada. "It's a lifestyle. If you want to continue to play at a high level, you have to make certain sacrifices. Bryant has learned to adjust his workouts over the years. "As you get older you get smarter, watch your diet, change your program a little bit. If you're willing to adapt, you can play for a long time. "I work a lot smarter, more efficient, and it's not as taxing on your body. In the past it was just balls to the wall -- running and running and running and running, and jumping and plyometrics and all that stuff. If you're older, you don't need to do all that stuff. It's just about maintenance and injury prevention and staying in shape.''
“I knew if chiropractic helped me put up outstanding numbers, it could help my teammates do the same.” Former NFL Superstar Jerry Rice, Super Bowl MVP and 3 time Super Bowl champion
"Chiropractic care works for me." states Joe, "I've been seeing a chiropractor and he's really been helping me out a lot. Chiropractic's been a big part of my game." Joe Montana-NFL Quarterback (4 Time Super Bowl Champion). Did you know that Joe Montana and 35 of his teammates received chiropractic care right before the 1990 Super Bowl Game?
"Chiropractic just makes you feel so much better. When I walk out of the clinic, I feel like I'm about three inches taller and everything's in place. And as long as I see the chiropractor, I feel like I'm one step ahead of the game". Tom Brady- 3 Time Super Bowl Champion
"Performing at my best is important to me and should be to everyone. I am blessed that my dad is a chiropractor. Getting adjusted regularly- along with practicing other good health habits that my mom helped me to establish are all part of my goal to win in life and on the field." Aaron Rodgers, Super Bowl XLV, MVP Green Bay Packers
"I go to my chiropractor on a regular basis, because I want to prolong my career as long as possible," he states. "I see him about once a week, in between my training (sessions). By getting an adjustment once a week from him, I feel I can sustain my career a lot longer." Barry Bonds
"Just had the best chiropractor appointment, then massage and Korean spa scrub!" the reality starlet Tweets. "I feel sooo relaxed. I really needed this!" Kim Kardashian
My Chiropractor Dr. Tom Marinaro is a miracle worker! Every time I leave his office I feel a million times better! He's amazing, love him! Paris Hilton -Los Angeles, CA
"Chiropractic gives me the flexibility I need to keep in the game." Venus Williams- 5 Time Grand Slam Tennis Champion
"Once we had Presley and Kaia it was only natural to have regular chiropractic check-ups after they were born and go for regular check-ups to keep them healthy." Cindy Crawford- Supermodel
"Chiropractors are the only [health care practitioners] who totally understand what we are talking about….Dr. Palmer was ahead of his time [and] chiropractors have been ahead of the field and have a great background for understanding these concepts as a whole. Into the next decade they should be taking the lead." Deepak Chopra, MD
“Athletes are always looking for ways to improve their performances on the field; Chiropractic is one of the best ways to accomplish this" Dr. Nick Athens, Team DC San Francisco 49ers
I am tired frequently even though I exercise& sleep close to 8 hours a night. After going through sessions with
chiropractic care. I feel refreshed with renewed energy. I feel like my posture has improved, as well as my breathing. Chiropractic health has made a positive impact in my life, mentally, emotionally, & physically. Jeff Yee, Firefighter,& Positive Life Change Award Recipient, Chiropractic Health Associates
Did you know that 85% of our practice members are here as a result of referrals from our wonderful chiropractic advocates? Did you know that 81.7% of our clients surveyed enjoy enough progress to know that consulting our office was a wise decision? Your online payment saves you time and money, so we will extend an additional savings for you and your family when you make your online payment and book your appointment today! Most of our clients like to take advantage of this. Are you running like a finely oiled machine? Are you the tic in kiropraktik6 TM? Did you know that sports chiropractors are members of any comprehensive sports professional healthcare team How much is winning a race, lifting a heavier weight, scoring more points, or winning the game worth to an athlete? How much is performance and individual athletic variables such as speed, strength, agility, or sport technique worth to coach or trainer? How much is improvement in your game or recovery and return to play worth for a coach, trainer, or athlete? How would improved mental function, optimal performance, and voice quality sound like for a singer? What do you think would happen to the accuracy of an accountant or the creativity of a writer or painter receiving chiropractic care? How much is a good night’s sleep and peace of mind worth for a mother receiving chiropractic care? So, did you learn a little bit about yourself and receive a thorough understanding of your body and health? If your nervous system is responsible for the function of every cell, tissue, and organ in your body, do you feel that a vertebral subluxation is very serious or not very serious? Would you rather have every cell, tissue, and organ in your body turned on or turned off? Functioning at 0% or 100%? Would you rather feel healthy or be healthy (functioning at 100%)? If all of your bodily functions are controlled by your nervous system, most people consider 50% to be “health”, approximately 10% of the world’s population is healthy, and some of the healthiest people on the planet are under regular chiropractic care, do you want to be one of the healthiest people on the planet under regular chiropractic care or do you want to be what most people consider to be “healthy”? Did you know that if you never had an injury it would take 10-15 years for your spine to decay from normal to phase 1, 20-30 years for your spine to decay from normal to phase 2, and 40-60 years for your spine to decay from normal to phase 3, increasing pressure and choking off the nerves connected to your thymus, lungs, heart, liver, gallbladder, pancreas,spleen, gonads, kidneys, prostate, bladder, uterus, not to mention your balance, hearing, vision, taste, touch, and sense of smell? Did you know that a chiropractic student receiving regular chiropractic care is normal or phase 1? How long would your child, nephew, or niece’s spine take to go from normal to phase 1? Do you want to get well, stay well, and improve your optimum performance fast or slow? Did you know that some people heal faster or slower, and that it may take 9-18 months of consistent chiropractic care just for your body to restore and stabilize the damaging effects of vertebral subluxations? If you don’t take care of this now is it going to get better or worse? Is it going to take more time or less time? Is it going to be more of an investment or less of an investment? Are we conveniently located or would you like us to refer you to a chiropractor that is more conveniently located? Based on the last 12 years of clinical experience in practice we’ve found that clients who drop out of care early as soon as they feel better suffer a relapse months, or years later. So, based on your age, level of health, and lifestyle, we feel that you have every right to be hopeful. Remember when you first began your care here? When we conducted your examination and consultation and found that there was evidence of vertebral subluxations? Some of you have been here briefly, and some have been here for a long time. For all of you we discovered vertebral subluxations, some were there recently, some were there for a long time. We also found evidence that some of you experienced relief, and evidence that some of you experienced degrees of improved natural internal health, overall health, well-being, quality of life, developed new healing strategies, inner strength, and higher levels of wellness. When you first started out some of you just wanted to make sure that your health is going in the right direction. For those of you who have children, do want them to grow up with the kind of health problems that you had, or for that matter, your parents had? Did you know that with God you have the power within you to turn the direction of your health around? We just need to coach you and make sure that you come in regularly to keep your chiropractic health going in a positive direction if you choose. So, all the children that we see in our office are here to grow up as chiropractically healthy as they possibly can. And, so while we have a fabulous success record in helping adults to achieve Chiropractic health, our prayer is for you, your children, your family, and those you love to achieve natural internal health, overall health, well-being, quality of life, develop new healing strategies, inner strength, and higher levels of wellness with the highest quality of kiropraktik6 TM. You are now Super Fit, Super Healthy, & Super Happy, Functioning at 100%, Subluxation-Free, Bigger, Faster, Stronger, Leaner, Smarter, Wiser, more Attractive, & Younger than you already are!!!! What about you, your family, and your loved ones? Are you waiting for you, your spouse, your children, your family, or your loved ones to develop a problem before consulting us? Doesn't it make much more sense to work to grow chiropractically healthy and strong, above, down, inside, and out? Of course! So now you understand why we say, "Anything is possible with God!" Got kiropraktik6 TM? Powered by God! God has blessed us with a lifetime of chiropractic care. Ask God to work through us to help you, your family, and your loved ones to achieve natural internal health, overall health, well-being, quality of life, develop new healing strategies, inner strength, and higher levels of wellness with the highest quality of kiropraktik6 TM. Start your summer by being a better version of Super Fit, Super Healthy, & Super Happy that is right for you! Make an appointment today to have their nervous systems checked so that they can be chiropractically healthier for the rest of their lives! Thank you for your support and referrals!
Love and appreciate you. In health and wellness,]
Aron Airall, Google Toronto, ON, CA Super Fit & Super Healthy Sports
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Ranked #3/ 2956 sports chiropractor LinkedIn 11/12/11
Ranked #14 /20586 chiropractor LinkedIn 11/12/11
Ranked #87/ 100 chiropractors in the world on Planet Chiropractic 7/2/2008
Recession Relief Scholarship Winner, 3rd Quarter, 2008
Who are some of the sports chiropractors that you know of? Do you know of one or more sports chiropractors? do you not know of any ,sports chiropractors in this area or your area? If someone in your family needed to book an appointment to visit a sports chiropractor, do you know which one you would want to go to? Which sports chiropractic clinics are you aware of? Would you prefer to go to that one? if your sports chiropractic clinic asked for your financial help, what are the chances that you will contribute? Have you ever contributed money to the chiropractic profession?
Chiropractic Health Associates $10K Scholarship
What's your Super Fit, Super Healthy, Super Happy, & Super Wealthy business plan or strategy to change the world?
What are your thoughts?
Applicants must:
? Make your payment, and book an appointment for your comprehensive health examination
? Be eighteen (18) years of age or older at the time of application
? Be legal residents of the fifty (50) United States or the District of Columbia, or (10) provinces & (2) territories of Canada
? Be currently enrolled (or enroll no later than the fall of 2024) in an accredited post-secondary institution of higher education and/or submit an online written response to the question: What's your Super Fit, Super Healthy, Super Happy, & Super Wealthy business plan or strategy to change the world?" (250 words or less)
The Chiropractic Health Associates $10K Scholarship winner will be notified by email or phone on or around March 31, 2019 at [email protected].
P.S You Will Be 100% Committed, Afford, And Make Time To Be Super Fit And Super Healthy In 2018 (:-) How did you get to be so lucky? How does it get any better than this? Your family and friends are invited to attend Chiropractic Health Associates VIP invitation at Hilton Garden Inn Toronto Downtown 92 Peter Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2G5, Canada How did you get to be so lucky? How does it get any better than this? Did you know that when you refer someone to us for chiropractic care you are doing much more than offering them help from a health problem? You are changing their lives!!!! Pre-book and pre-pay for your VIP invitation, initial sports chiropractic examination, body composition analysis, functional movement screen, neurological, orthopedic, physical, postural, & spinal examinations, kiropraktik6 TM sessions (3), financial report (1), kiropraktik6 TM workshops (2), meals (2), courtesy of Chiropractic Health Associates online today for only $2248 USD before Friday July 20, 2018 via cash, certified cheque, money order, online bank money e- transfer, or PayPal Make your payment today and receive your Ritz Carlton Spa Gift Certificate (a $250 USD value). BONUS: Purchase your copy of The 12 Stages of Healing: A Network Approach to Wholeness by Dr. Donald Epstein and enjoy your Elisha’s Top Essential Oils TM Basic Sample Gift Set & Kit (Lavendar and Frankincense or Lavendar and Myrrh) today for only $97.00 USD (a $122.00 USD value) + FREE shipping, or purchase your copy of ACSM’s resources for the personal trainer / [edited by] Barbara Bushman, Rebecca Battista. — 2014 4th ed. ebook for only $19.97 USD today (a $97.00 USD value). Payment made finally! Hey Aron, sorry for the delay I finally figured out how to pay with my credit card on paypal!
Did you know that patients that get the best results make their appointments, take responsibility for their health and financial agreements, and are involved in active care? As a prospective new patient, before we accept as a practice member in our office please watch these videos
Zaino Experience Doctor’s Report Part 1
Zaino Experience Doctor’s Report Part 2
Zaino Experience Doctor’s Report Part 3
Dr. Chris Zaino's Story
Zaino Experience Doctor’s Report Finances
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