What are you doing this month to generate sales for next month?
Peter Knight
‘Starter Pack’ for new franchise owners. Be set up properly from the start. Includes new Company, ABN, TFN, GST and Xero set up etc. DM me ‘Starter Pack’
Sales don’t just happen by themselves. Your customers didn’t just wake up this morning and decide they want to give you their money!
Something prompted them to buy. Whether it’s your product, or service, or sparkling repartee there’s a reason they buy from you.
It’s not accidental!
You are the one they’ve chosen. From amongst all the competing offers they are bombarded with…they chose you! There’s something you are doing that helped them choose you. (And you need to be very clear you know the reasons why).
But don’t then think your future sales will just happen. They never just happen. Your customers buy from you because you’ve prompted them in some way. Whether it’s a previous transaction, a special promotion, advertisements or some local area marketing, there was something that got them to buy from you.
- So, what are you doing to get them to buy from you next month?
Part of the reason customers buy might be because of your brand, or the franchise group you belong to. But research shows that the overwhelming reason behind a sale is the experience your customers receive.
So, take a minute now to self-assess your business… How good is the customer experience you’re delivering?
- If it’s poor, look for ways to improve it.
- If it’s pretty good, look for ways to improve it some more.
- This is one area of your business that needs constant attention.
The internet has changed the way we do business. Which means more than ever, the customer experience is critical. This is the key to repeat sales and a solid customer base. And this is what builds the value of your business when you go to sell it.
- If you have young or low cost staff who are customer facing, you must drill into them the importance of a great customer experience.
- It’s your responsibility to train them and keep them focused on the customer.
So, be clear on your plans for the month ahead. Decide on the actions you will take that will drive sales your way next month. Look for ways to enhance your customer experience and link them to your current promotional activity.
Sales won’t simply happen by themselves. Keep pushing, promoting and driving your business to make them happen.
Peter Knight
P.S. There is great power in the simple act of writing your sales target down. Put it on display on the wall, or on your computer screen so you see it on a regular basis.
- Set your sales target
- Define your actions to achieve it
Keep pushing your business to achieve sales….they are the lifeblood of your business!