What will you do next?
3 questions to inspire you
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Defining your next step isn’t something that just happens overnight, even if it sometimes feels that way. Usually, you feel a sudden shift. Your next step becomes so obvious, you forget you were in the dark before. It’s like magic.
Inspiration is what ignites that magic.?
The process is simple, we’re in the dark, unsure of what to do next, and whilst we don’t know, but try to know, our brain catches glimpses of ideas, stacks up on information, until a clear idea forms.
An?Aha Moment?so obvious, we’re confused as to why we didn't know it before. And well, it’s because we were missing information.
You can’t manufacture an Aha Moment, but you sure can fuel it.
This week, I had many chats with professionals considering a career shift, and inspiration was a missing element for them.
They were looking for tangible solutions. There’s nothing wrong with that, but it limited their thinking and left them depleted. Instead of letting their minds do the background digging and guessing, leading to the realization, they were trying to direct it.
I’ll talk another time about how to make a career shift a reality (aka the tangible solutions). But this week, allow me to share with you questions that will nourish your brain and inspire you. Hopefully fueling your soon-to-have Aha moment.?
What’s your ideal random Tuesday?
When we think about a next step, or even dare to dream about an ideal job, we immediately imagine the magic part of it. And put most of our focus on it.?
We don’t think about what the day-to-day will look like, and that’s very often where disappointment arises.?
Start backward. In an ideal life, what does a random Tuesday look like??
Don’t think about the dreamy day filled with fun and magic. No, think about the the most mundane, casual, dare I say uneventful day of your week. What do you want these days to be like??
Cause the truth is, most weekdays will look like this one in the future, may as well enjoy them.
What jobs did you dream of as a kid?
I love to ask this question. It always says so much about a person.?
Now, the job in itself does not matter. What you imagined doing, and how you thought you’d feel says a lot about how you likely want to feel today. ?
I wanted to be an archeologist as a kid. I’d picture the magic of finding fossils whilst scrapping a rock. I imagined I’d dig, explore, and polish rocks to reveal treasures.
I love coaching because it provides me with similar sensations.
Sounds far-fetched? Hear me out.
I explore a coachee’s universe. Through coaching, I help them uncover things that are unseen but present. I help people find their superpowers, and understand their minds. That’s a treasure hunt for me.
But then, I could do this in so many different ways, right? The what does not matter as much. Regardless of what I do, I know I want this kind of magic from discovering and uncovering things.
Look at how you wanted to feel, and why you thought it would be cool. It will tell you a lot about how you want to feel now.
Think about a time you felt really good about your life, what were you doing then??
Think back to a super happy time, and if you’re in a happy time take a moment to observe.?
And here’s a secret, the kind of activities you think you’ll do on your ideal random Tuesday, the way you wanted to feel as a kid (and likely still want to), and the things you did when life was great, you can do them now.
Sometimes, your next step is just a tiny adjustment away.
What part of your random Tuesday can you make a reality starting now? How can you bring more of these feelings you wanted as a kid? What’s one happiness booster habit you can re-incorporate into your life??
As always, thank you for reading.?
Happy Friday,
About me: I am an ex-Airbnb turned mindset coach. I support business owners (and future ones) in the many transitions of their business journey.
Running a business can be overwhelming and lonely. I act as your sparring partner to help you gain perspective, deepen your people skills, increase confidence and self-awareness.
Looking for a sparring partner? Learn more here.