What are you cooking?
Kehinde Akintobi
Senior Talent Acquisition & Identification Manager I Recruiter I Headhunter I LinkedIn Top Voice I Author of Choosing a Career Book IReal Estate Salesman I Realtor I LinkedIn Visibility & 5 Star CV/Resume Advocate
In a generation that has embraced the speed and value of technology, and is known to want most things at the pressing of a button, there is usually a temptation to crave for overnight success. However, time and time again, there is the validation of that timeless principle that everything worth the while, will take some time.
In Nigeria, the past week has been awash of the record breaking chef/cook, Hilda Baci who surpassed her initial target of cooking for 96 hours and pushed to 100 hours and a few minutes more breaking the previous record in the process. In usual fashion, a flood of motivational quotes typically come after such feats with lessons extracted from her story and journey. Amongst all the analysis that followed in this direction, in my own thoughts, a few somewhat divergent thoughts struck me.
Visibility adds value to competence. Hilda has always been cooking. In fact, she has a restaurant to her and her brother's name. However, this record has put her out there. Sometimes, competence is hidden from the public glare and does not get the value or reward it deserves. On the other hand, some are less competent but very visible and like the writer of Ecclesiastes mentioned "servants are riding horses whilst princes walk on foot". As much as we aim to be diligent, competent and credible, it adds value to also be seen.
One thing at a time is still conventional wisdom. Make no mistake here. The lady in question, Hilda Baci is multi-talented. In the media, reports have indicated she was once a television host, an actress and is also given to philantrophy. Whilst there are several ways to go to the market in proverbial wisdom, your breakthrough may come through one major door. From there, you can build up your way up and leverage on other things you can do or are already doing. This record Hilda has set will create a major springboard for all the other things she does or has done in the past. In truth, multitasking is not effective and focus brings out the best in us.
Everyone has a recipe or menu: We all have something with which to wow our world. It is how we do it, approach it and package it that makes the difference. The first step is self discovery followed by adding value. When that foundation is set, creative ways to showcase what we have to offer add significant value to us and our respective worlds.
It was not a short sprint. She had been cooking since: The quest to shatter the record was not a day dream. It was not an after thought. According to some reports, it was set in motion several years ago. The question for us is what are we cooking now for the future that we desire? The intentionality of our present helps to create the delicacy of a future we will love.
Get cooking now.
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