What you are called to do VS. What you actually do.....
Aaron Scott Carman
Global Sales Leader, Cloud, Storage and Power Systems at IBM Digital Sales
I was just texting with a friend in technology that is helping a shared friend in a non-profit ministry redesign their website and deliver them from the Stone Ages in technology.
So, I have “Friend A” that has been gifted with the understanding and skill required to build and manage websites and “Friend B” that is gifted in outreach, discipleship, and strategic ministries but is overwhelmed by technology. So as “Friend B” went to go launch this new ministry they realized they needed to overhaul their website, content, and social strategy. This initial redesign and rebranding was a crucial first step in the execution of what has placed in their hearts to do. But they felt stuck and lost to pursue their calling because they simply didn't know how to do it and being a non-profit ministry, they didn’t have the funds to just pay for it to be done. So, they became stuck in pursuing their calling and if they remained stuck in this step, they could very well become derailed completely in realizing their true calling.
So, you may be sitting there asking, "Aaron, why are you sharing this?"
The reasons are simple: We all have a calling over each one of us, no matter what our past, current or future circumstances. I truly believe we all hear or feel that calling and start off to pursue it. I also have witnessed in my own life and others that so often we start pursuing our calling only to reach a point in the path between "your calling" and "what you actually are doing" that brings us to a complete standstill because we either don't have the resources, faith, courage, skill or understanding on how to take the next step. This often derails us from our calling, causes us to give up, or worse yet we lose faith in the very calling that has placed on you.
Have you been there? I have. Are you there now? You are not alone.
I recently read a book that was given to me on my 40th Birthday that talks about dreaming big and "praying through." Praying through means when you feel something has placed in your heart, you pray every day and thank God for already answering it until it is your reality. This is the key. Start by spelling out in detail what that calling/dream is that God has put on you. What does it look like? What does it feel like? Whom does it impact?
As I reflected on reading this book and its message, I also felt it was important to then share your calling with all of those around you. Your family, friends, co-workers and even if appropriate random people you meet throughout each day. Invite people into your dreams and calling. This builds intimacy and opens the door for you to receive divine appointments. Notice the keyword, "receive." I believe that we walk past or ignore divine appointment every day because we are not mindful of them. When you invite people in and share your dreams with others you are in fact being mindful of the opportunities around you and you will be able to "receive" those opportunities when you are stuck or at a roadblock.
This brings me back to my story at the beginning. My “Friend B” is launching something big, something outside of their comfort zone, something that has placed on their hearts, something they feel called to do. So, they set up a time with people in their community and invited them into their dreams and vision. They shared in detail what that calling is and invited everyone to join them in the journey. By doing this, they immediately opened the opportunity to be mindful of the divine appointments, resources, people, skills around them they need to take that next step. In this case, it’s a redesign of their website. Doesn't seem that big of a deal, but to them, it could (and has in the past) bring them to a halt and derail their pursuit of their larger calling. Their willingness to be intimate and seek the help of others has led them to receive that help from someone that can easily help them take that next step. All the while they continue to be steadfast in prayer and give thanks for already having that reality created for them.
I have one of my favorite sayings that sits in my office and I look at it every day (picture below). It speaks to this path between "your calling" and "what you actually are doing."
So, as we close out 2017 and begin the process of setting goals and dreaming about what is in store for us in 2018, I am challenging myself and those around me to begin identifying those goals and dreams. Openly sharing them with your community, friends, and family. By opening the door and allowing people to be a part of the journey, we are also opening the door to receive the help and encouragement we will need at certain points of the road to achieving/realizing our calling and making our dreams a reality.
If you have any thoughts or stories on how you have experienced this, I would love for you to share them in the comments.