What if you broke into the memory of a headhunter?
Yann Hazoume
Executive Search Afrique, Talent Management, Coaching Professionnel I Université de Montréal / HEC Montréal / ICCF@HEC Paris
The other day, on my tablet, the icon of an audiobook winked at me. I stared at it, with the eyes of one who will not be tricked; pondering what I was going to learn from this "You're Hired! Interview Skills to Get the Job"...
The section "During the Interview" nevertheless led me to ask myself questions. Why did the content and (positive) impressions of encounters with certain candidates remain in my memory for a long time while others, alas, were forgotten rather quickly? Why could I, who have such a bad memory, sometimes remember entire conversations years later?
It turns out that those who breach the laws governing my memory, are the candidates who manage to transform our exchange into a narrative and draw me into their story, with illustrative details and facts.
What I'm sure of is that these candidates that I remember, more than 10 years after speaking to them only once, did not improvise their "stories".
They applied the formula "read" in the audiobook:
- Set the scene;
- Raise the tension (the issues related to the situation, aspects of your roadmap that were challenging, and the risks/consequences if the issues are not addressed...);
- Lower the tension (the solution to the problems and challenges and its impact, namely at the human level).
If, in addition, they spoke with passion and sincerity, they held the grail to recruitment interviews!
So, for your next interview with a headhunter, prepare it, rehearse it at home, alone or with loved ones. You will then be able to break into his/her memory.
Just saying...
See you soon at an interview?
PS: by the way, if we consider the definition of the word “book” (sheets that are printed and bound together into a volume, paperback or hardcover), we should perhaps find a term other than “audiobook” for this situation.
Another one of those words and usages that the digital world renders perfectly incongruous.
Don’t you think so?
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