What if what you believed is wrong

Actions of men purely based on his beliefs. We are all alive today because we believed, that tomorrow is better than today and we are always trying to make it happen what we believed. As a kid, we believed that if we study well our life will be good. As an adult, some of us realized that studying alone won’t make our life enjoyable.

Our Belief system influenced by many factors, such as family, friends, religion but most of our strong beliefs come from experience and intuition.

The airplane invented because the Wright brothers strongly believed that humans could fly. How did they believe that humans can fly?

In 1878 Wright brothers father brought a rubber band powered toy helicopter to home, this toy did not simply fall to the ground as expected. Instead, it flew across the room. Wilbur and Orville never forgot it. This experience made them believe a human can fly. And finally, it took six years to prove what they believed is correct.

Nikola Tesla is one of the greatest examples of those who believed in intuition. One of his creations is the rotating magnetic field, and that came in a flash of intuition. He believed and worked hard to make it real, and he succeeded.

It might have taken some more time to reach the current level of civilization if they did not believe in themselves.

Ptolemy was an astronomer. He believed that the Earth was the center of the Universe and combined what he saw of the stars’ movements with mathematics, especially geometry, to predict the movements of the planets. To make his predictions correct, he worked out that the planets must move in epicycles, smaller circles, and the Earth itself moved along an equant. None of this was true, This flawed view of the Universe was accepted for many centuries until Nicolaus Copernicus formulated a model of the universe that placed the Sun rather than the Earth at the center of the universe.

Based on the above examples, we can understand that what we believed is may not be correct always.

What if what you believed is wrong? Whom should we blame?

As William Shakespeare play As You Like It, All the world’s a stage, all the men and women merely players. Some of us will get the success on what we believed and some of us no. When we keep our 100 % on what we believe, there is no point in blaming us. We believed because of nature made us believe.

Whatever the best we can do, there is always a chance of failure. Ptolemy failed in what he strongly believed, but he made people think about the universe.


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