What If YOU Already Know What It Takes To Perform At Your Best?

What If YOU Already Know What It Takes To Perform At Your Best?

Are you attracted by headlines that mention something similar to this...

How You Can Increase Your Performances By 10x?

Let me give you the hidden secret all the experts & gurus will tell you once you join their programs & courses.

There's only 1 thing you need to increase your performances in all areas of your life.

It doesn't matter if you're an:

  • Athlete
  • Entrepreneur
  • Small Business Owner
  • CEO
  • Consultant
  • Marketer
  • Teacher
  • Coach
  • Director

& so on…

You get the idea.

Back in 2011, I believed in the saying:

"Knowledge is Power" - Sir Francis Bacon

Nearly a decade later, I know that isn't the whole truth.

You can do great things with KNOWLEDGE, but without this one thing, it's worth noting.

I would adjust that saying, as so:

"Knowledge is power if you know how to EXECUTE on it."

  • Want to start a new business?
  • Want to get better quality leads?
  • Want to get more sales?
  • Want to improve your ROI?
  • Want to be a better leader?
  • Want to have a great love life?
  • Want to reach your goals?
  • Want to beat your competition?

Start by executing the task at hand & reach your goals.

It's easy to say, right?

But…How do you go by in & start taking action?

You need to have a PROCESS in place.

You have to BREAK DOWN your execution process.

<For example>

There is no secret to losing weight & getting in shape…You have to take the right action.

Don't try to complicate the process but rather start with what you know.

You know you have to:

  • Eat right
  • Sleep more
  • Exercise daily

Right there, you have the main areas to execute on that will help you reach your health goal.

You can even break down each of those areas.

To eat right, you will set the parameters to take the new & better actions to eat healthier breakfast, lunch, & diners.

To sleep more, could be something as simple as, no Tv 1 hour before bed, reading a book, & meditating.

To exercise daily could be as simple as scheduling a 15-minute walk every morning.

Now looking at what you already know, you're probably already going through a battle in your mind. Battling the fact that you know will have to make SACRIFICES…

…its inevitable, YES, you will have to make some.

If you're not ready if you don't know why you want to achieve your goals or think there is still a way around of being able to achieve your goals without having to do what you don't want to… I'm sorry to tell you, it's doesn't exist without sacrificing something already present in your life.

"If you want to be great at something, there's a choice you have to make. What I mean by that is, there are inherent sacrifices that come along with that. Family time, hanging out with friends, being a great friend, being a great son, nephew, whatever the case may be." - Kobe Bryant, R.I.P

Start focusing on improving the execution that supports your goals & will allow you to improve your performances.

The only SECRET you will find is of learning to improve how you execute on your plan.

Khalid Ismail

Ps. If you don’t know how to start building the process you need in your business, leave me a comment below or send me a message. I most likely be able to guide you & point you into the right direction based on what you really need & looking for.

Pss. This was inspired by the process of The 12 Week Year. It was recommended to me by my marketing & sales coach. If you haven’t read the book, I’d highly recommend you if you are serious about implementing a winning process to help you break down your goals, let alone being able to track & keep focus the whole way.


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