What are you afraid of saying?
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-in-white-long-sleeve-shirt-using-silver-laptop-computer-3784324/

What are you afraid of saying?

We have become a society of the unsaid. There are fewer and fewer "safe" topics, and most of us don't want to be seen as controversial or offensive.

Fair enough in a cancel culture world, but what is it costing us personally, professionally and as a society by keeping our mouths collectively shut?

What are we saying about ourselves and our points of view by not speaking our minds or sharing our opinions?

Are we saying that our opinions don't matter?

Because they do?

Are we saying people should be allowed to say anything without refute because we are uncomfortable with confrontation?

Because that is exactly what is happening.

We can only define our self-worth and brand by speaking our minds.

We do not have to be adversarial or bombastic, but we need to be able to articulate what we believe is right, what is wrong and why.

We also need to be able to listen to other opinions and acknowledge that even though we may disagree with their point of view, they have the right (in the vast majority of cases) to believe what they believe.

If all we do is stay silent and allow others to spread false truths, lies and insinuations, we are enabling those people and their beliefs to gain credibility and credence.

It is not about "I am right, and you are wrong," but rather enabling the dialogue that can create a broader understanding and facts in omission to be brought forward.

You have a voice and opinion, and it deserves to be heard.

The trick is to articulate your views in ways that are listened to, understood and valued. They may not agree, but at least they will be discussed, and different ideas can be brought forward.

Use your voice. Share your thoughts.

This is how you will be seen as a leader of repute and someone worth time and consideration.

Sitting still and silent means you will be ignored and relegated to the proverbial back of the bus.

Dan Bigger

Making Life Glimmer with my best friend| Coaching and molding young volleyball players, also with my best friend| Making new friends wherever and whenever I can| Seeing what comes next

1 年

Well written and said ???? Ben Baker??? I used to hold back more in the past than I do now. Working for yourself is freeing. Now, I’m talking about topics I would not have in the he past. It feels good. I am usually myself, but even more so these days. Just today I was talking to my daughter about just being herself. I asked her, “ have you ever seen me act different in public or around strangers than I do at home. “ Se said, no. I rest my case your honor.

Sonita Reese

I help entrepreneurs gain time and become the leaders their businesses need without sacrificing their personal lives.

1 年

We need more courage and practice speaking up ???? Ben Baker???. Thank you for this post.

Syya Yasotornrat

Tasmanian Devil Producer of Fun & Compelling Content | "Daria" of Social Media | Repeater of Idioms

1 年

Oh boy...I can personally attest that holding back can do far more harm than good, ???? Ben Baker???!!! Perhaps another great #GnawOnThis topic!?!?!


