What Are You Afraid Of?
What are you afraid of?
I had a conversation with my business coach on this exact topic last week, that I wanted to share.
I told him I wasn’t sure I’d be renewing in his program as my life is in flux right now. My partner and I will be having a baby in February and the extra income would be nice to supplement the lost income from my partner's maternity leave. I also didn’t plan on growing the company as much as I thought I would. There were just too many unknowns for me to fully commit to a 12 month contract with my coach, but I was still on the fence because it has truly changed my life.
Once I commit to something I do it no matter what, so this is a big deal for me.
Well, my goals grew for the company over the last little while. My goal for 2023 is to reach a revenue of 750k next year, sounds like a lot because it is!
That being said my coach pushed me to think about the decision. I came to the realization (with some help). If I don’t have the capability to make a decision like this with the intent to 3x my business next year, how will I ever have the mindset to achieve it my other goals.
This decision of holding back, not taking a risk goes directly against my plans for the future. I need to plan as if I will achieve that, only then will I be open to actually achieving it.
It’s that scarcity mindset that got me and came out of the woodwork. I was uncertain, so instead of committing to something I knew could help me achieve my goals I curled up and hid.?
It was the easy decision.
It was the safe decision.
It was the comfortable decision.?
It was a decision that went completely opposite to the goals I have. You might think that this is just one decision. Sure, but what about all the others. If I have the same mindset for this as I would other decisions I'm going to make throughout the year, I won’t be open to trying new things. Which means I am not open to expanding and growing. At this point I am immediately setting up myself for failure.
It’s easy to say one thing, but it’s hard to act on it. Don’t be afraid, be open. I am still afraid of success, I’m still scared of making a wrong decision. But what happens if I make the wrong decision? I lose some money, things get tight for a bit, sure.
What happens if I win though? How will that change my life? If I look at the two options it’s a low risk high reward situation. I need to be willing to bet on myself 10 times out of 10 if I want other people to bet on me too.
Being afraid is holding us back from our true potential.
So let me ask you again, what are you afraid of?