What is wrong with this (system)verilog code snippet?
A stupid post today about some code from some open source repo seemed to have gathered some interest. Since I am known for never shutting up, I want to come back the the code itself and tell you what I think. Which can be interpreted any way you want, you can even disagree with it.
This the code
I have classified my unnecessary and uncalled for criticism in three categories:
And I could have missed things, because I'm a hallucinating human, not a large language model.
So, you lined out your input ports with lots of spaces, except sum_o. What is that about? When I first started pressing keys on a keyboard and producing HDL code, I did not like those alignments. And I truly hate this ASCII art bloating. But over the years, I have developed some kind of appreciation for aligning for example the signal declarations and the port definitions. But with parameters and complex types, it becomes a nuisance. There are ways around this, to get the typedefs from an external file which I prefer over typing the same "signed [DATA_WIDTH_SUM-1:0]", also because one typedef is less error prone than typing three times the same parameter - 1 and forgetting the minus one for example. You see, I wasn't joking when I said I was nitpicking.
I also like my adders to come with a parameter that allows me to build larger math. And then you want to have control over the "is the output registered or not?". Because I'm totally insane, I have created a package that defines a class with "adders" so I can parameterize those adders (via a class) and use this to build more complex math blocks. You know, in AI everything is math and you need wider arithmetic in some places, and in some places you need very small ones. Some I want to combine in one clock cycle and some I need to register so the worst case path is contained.
And last nit but not least, the annoying habit of "_i" and "_o" or "i_" and "o_". I'm sorry, but the bad digital designers are lazy. meaning they don't want to keep learning every day. The good digital designers are lazy too. But in the sense that they want to automate things. Connecting adders in an ALU for example, is tedious, error prone and boring work. So you like to script the connections, so my sum_o needs to connect to another module's sum_i. Sure, you can add that to the scripting, but I said we are lazy so I'd rather not. There is a much simpler convention that can always immediately tell you if a port is an input or and output and from which module it comes. If you prefix the outputs with a three letter capital letter prefix for the module it comes from. Obviously, that can get complicated too, but it brings me more info than the above coding style. If I have a module where I am using ADD_sum, I know this is an output for the ADDER and in the adder itself I have to create the output, in other modules I them as input from the adder.
It seems the nitpick thing went out of control fast, three paragraphs fgs.
Close but no cigar
Parameters are a good thing. But they can be a bit of a PITA as well. Because you have to satisfy two conflicting commandments:
I will come back to my package with class adder functions (methods if you prefer that). See, I like to deliver a module finished, that means design + sanity verification + synthesis/STA/DFT clean. If I have a module, I will write an sdc script and some verification for the first parameter used (or maybe multiple) but not for all. For me the complexity of an adder or a counter for that matter is not enough to qualify as a module. I don't want 50.000 modules in my design. At the same time, I want to have reuse and I'm lazy so parameterized reuse. That is why I like the package approach. The package is not intended to be synthesized. It needs to be verified and then used in modules where it gets synthesized.
Conclusion? Good for the parameter use but if we look at it in levels:
Again a very subjective matter, but to me it makes sense to think in LeGO terms while not blowing up the number of different LEGO pieces in the process.
The Real Deal with Bill McNeal
I am always trying to put little thingies that nobody understands in my writing. For my own pleasure, so forgive me for naming this chapter like that. There are real problems with this piece of code. Because if you add two 4-bit wide numbers, you don't get a 4-bit number as the sum. No, you get a 5-bit number. Or 4-bits plus carry. And that is one of the plus point sof VHDL, and why people hate it, because it will not compile if you sum two 4-bit numbers and assign it to a 4-bit output sum. In verilog you can, but then when somebody runs the lint tool or runs synthesis much later in the process, they flag this issue and the code needs to change. Because for an adder and a counter, assuming we are counting up, you need to tell what happens to the counter when it reaches the maximum value and what to do when it overflows. If in our example of the 4-bit adder, you ignore the carry bit, you have implemented a wrap around adder without any means of detecting it overflowed. For counters, you have counters that increment and saturate or increment and wrap around. Whatever you do, you need to make it clear what you want to do with the 5th bit. And rightfully so. Again, coming back to my adder package, you have a function called incsat and one called incwrap. Using those function calls, immediately makes it clear what is intended.
The reset comes last, while in digital hardware, it actually comes first! While every HDL has been designed to abstract the underlying hardware, there are fundamental differences between FPGA and ASIC designs:
Often ASIC is prototyped in FPGA so this poses a challenge in speed of the clock for the FPGA. You don't want to change the code for resets specifically for prototyping. You want the code to be close to the final ASIC code that gets taped out. But you ahve to run the FPGA logic at considerable lower clock frequency than the ASIC. And your hand coded modules can handle that probably, but then you have external communication protocols like DDR, PCIe, ethernet, ... where the controller and PHY are hard macro's and you need to run at speed because also your host (a PC you buy over the counter) can not just turn down its clock with a factor ten.
Blocking Conclusion
There are surprisingly a lot of things to say about a few lines of code, even about something as simple as an adder in systemverilog. Some my find it useful, some might not, which is all fine. Writing is my therapy, not yours :-). A last thing I didn't mention is commenting your code. Comments are valuable to understand later what the code does. You might have forgotten or someone else needs to understand your code. Commenting is a necessary skill which has been a contentious issue for decades. Now, an adder doesn't need much commenting. But if you don't use the addsat or addinc function calls, you actually haven't specified what kind of adder you implemented. Without comment about the intended functionality, we have no way of knowing if the extra carry out bit that gets ignored was important or not. So, comment your code but keep it relevant. The only comment in the code in the screenshot is about keeping the output, an unnecessary else statement because non-blocking sequential logic in verilog keeps its value if not assigned in a clock cycle anyway. Originally, based on how the event handler worked decades ago in verilog, we had a mandatory two-process coding style, one for the combinational part and one for the sequential part. The "_nxt" and "_ff" coding style, iykyk. I'm not sure it is still needed, maybe someone has studied how todays tools handle that, but this one always style looks like it merged both styles without knowing too much about blocking and non-blocking statements in systemverilog. So, the only commented line is actually a redundant line and should be deleted. In a pure combinational always block, it would make sense because there you have to cover all if-then-else conditions with an assignment.But this isn't the case here.
Indeed very subjective... Objectivity is passing the customer criteria.
The problem with this is really that you are writing RTL, which is like writing parallel assembly code. You really want to be at the level above doing asynchronous descriptions (no clock spec) where you send it a pair of numbers, and it sends you the sum back. I tried getting support for that into SV over a decade ago, and they wouldn't do it, so I built a C++ prototype solution instead. https://parallel.cc
I totally agree with your point, I think people give too much importance to naming conventions (not that is not) rather the electronics theory itself