What is wrong with our society?

What is wrong with our society?

[For people with abstract thinking]

What is wrong with our society? Since when did nominal pieces of paper called "money" become our god?

? The more you have, the more power you have.

? They dictate where you can (or cannot) live, what to eat, what to wear, where to go or not go.

Thank you to the government of Dubai for 10 kilometers of free beach. The rest of the beach areas are taken, and to access the sea, which is not man-made, you have to pay. In some cities, the situation is worse: you have to pay for all beach areas. You also have to pay for any access to forests, nature, or anything that isn't man-made.

? All land areas are taken, and to stay on any of them, you need to pay nominal pieces of paper.

? Staying in a place with shelter requires more pieces of paper. The more comfortable the shelter, the more paper.

? So much housing has been built on the land that each person has a three-room apartment or villa, including babies, the helpless, and the disabled.

? Right now, at this very moment, humanity can provide comfortable housing for each of us, but it requires pieces of paper.

? In a world where shelters are built for dogs, people live on the streets.

? Those who have pieces of paper dictate where to live, how to live, where to study, how to study, how to think, what to do, how to earn, how much to work.

? Those who have pieces of paper create jobs, dictate what to do, what to spend life on, how much to work, under what conditions, whether to have a family, children. They dictate the level of comfort.

It would be logical if the number of pieces of paper depended on the benefit to society. Then, logically, the highest earners should be doctors, medical staff, rescuers, and all those who save our lives. Also, mentors, teachers, professors, those who shape us as individuals, teach us survival in this world. Then, logically, parents should be paid for raising individuals. Payment should depend on the type of individual they raise, how useful that individual is to society, starting at the age of 3. Each age has its own level of usefulness.

But no. For example, football players and Hollywood stars earn the most. What is their level of usefulness to society? Recently, I had this conversation with my daughter. She said, "Mom, they [football players] earn a lot, and most of their earnings go to charity." So, they use their work as a means of earning pieces of paper, as a way to improve or save someone's life. The same goes for Hollywood stars. We are all taught that a large portion of them came from poverty, difficult childhoods, trauma, were "self-made," and give most of their earnings to society's benefit. Fine, if that's true. But what if it's just propaganda? And what is this complicated scheme of benefiting society?

I'm willing to pay the symphonic orchestra, the musicians. They create music that evokes emotion and, according to psychiatrists, has a positive effect on mental health. Music is the language of angels. But what benefit does football provide? What emotion does it evoke? What benefit does it bring, other than crowds of drunken fans, fights, and destruction?

A closer example. Recently, my daughter participated in a competition, earned a silver medal, and 1500 dirhams ($409). The one who earned a gold medal received 2000 dirhams ($545). Of course, I'm very happy for my daughter and all the athletes that they are at least given an opportunity to earn and recoup the money they spend on training, gear, doctors, equipment, and missed opportunities (time). But essentially, people come to the gym to beat and injure each other, to inflict harm, and they get paid for it. The same with chasing a ball across a field. What is the efficiency for society?

You might say, "It's better they fight in the gym by the rules than in a street without rules." STOP. At what point in time did humanity start following its darker thoughts? Since when did aggression and dirty thoughts begin to shape human behavior and dictate what to do?

If you believe in the Torah (I've been deceived so many times in this life—by people, books, the government, the media—that now I only believe in the Torah), it says in the Torah that there were societies existed before our era which didn’t know what prostitution was. Not because they eradicated it with fire and iron, but because it never even occurred to people to engage in prostitution. They were on such a high moral and ethical level. And it was natural, organic, and harmonious. Now, with our broken thinking, it’s hard for us to believe in that.

Until I was 23, I lived in Russia. Even then, I had the thought: if men spent all the energy, they use to possess me, on developing the country's economy, Russia would be the most prosperous country in the world.

Going back to the wrappers. We all, as children, were involved in agriculture and animal husbandry, went mushroom and berry picking. Some loved sewing, some cooking, others cleaning up. In other words, in principle, we could all now feed ourselves, create surplus, and buy everything we lack to arrange a comfortable life. Why, then, are we unable to pay for our shelter, clothing, and food? We are not disabled, not lazy, we are healthy and intelligent people.

How did it happen that a person who paid over 100 thousand dollars for their education, who gave more than 40 years of their life to work, ended up being useless to society? Unable to earn a living in this world? How did it happen that after 40 years of work, this person does not own their own home, owes everyone: the bank, the police, the landlord of the cheap apartment they live in?

How did it happen that a person (my close friend), who has a higher financial education from a leading university in the country, worked all her life, has experience in leading European banks, turned out to be useless to society? How did it happen that a person who cleaned and put in order the streets, houses, and gardens of Armenia, who helps refugees and cares for stray animals, cannot earn a living for themselves? And even the opportunity to care for stray dogs was taken away from her. The dogs will become hungry and angry, and they will maul someone's child. Because these dogs have never seen anything good from people.

How did it happen that a 25-year-old girl, born and raised in the UAE, with an IQ of 158, for whom about 1 million dirhams ($272,000) were spent on education (private US school i+ Olympic Club + additional language and legal courses), an athlete, a good artist, one of the best children's coaches in the country, has not been able to find a decent job for over 2 years? All society can offer her is work as an escort, part-time coaching for $800 a month, temporary earnings as a private tutor (on average $150 a month), or a job as a real estate agent for 12-16 hours a day for free. And this person has dreamed since childhood, since the age of 11, of becoming a forensic lawyer, catching murderers and people with broken minds to make our society safer. She has the talent for it, she comes from a family of lawyers for at least four generations.

How did it happen that young, beautiful, self-sufficient girls, born and raised in Dubai, cannot get married for 5-10 years, just because they are not willing to have sex before marriage?

What is wrong with our society?


Larissa Zaplatinskaia, PhD的更多文章