Words of a human
- Published on June 6, 2015
Jithin Shaji
Content Writer at Electronikmedia
The best memories of my early school days are that of my English teacher making us recite poems. And most of those poems described how beautiful our planet Earth is. There are stories of vast oceans and seas, rivers and lakes that are like veins running through each and every part of the planet, breathtaking valleys, mountains that kisses the clouds, snow that could chill us, rain that could get us drenched in freshness, birds that make our days melodious, flowers that add beautiful colors to our world, and all of these made me curious to explore this wonderful world I’m living in.
As I grew up, I realized I was nowhere close to that world described in the poems and stories. I thought “maybe this isn’t Earth or maybe it was just a fantasy of the author of those books.” As I grew up I was given a long to-do list .I don’t know how but I was a part of one of those religions. And I was to pray to my God in order to live happily here on Earth. I felt like I was accustomed to do certain things in my life and if I don’t, then I will probably be on the “evil men’s list” and be sent to hell after death.
The world around me is so dark. Very few people seemed to be happy. Even the nature around me showed signs of its sorrows. But I wasn’t supposed to think about the world around me. I am to build up my career as early as possible and start earning as much money as I can. I was to be in a fight for money. If you quit, you get thrown out of this world. You might even lose your loved ones and the society will laugh at you and you might end up starving on the busy streets of the city.
The world around me was under constant attack by those people who want to impose their religion over others. And not just them, even those who once promised to make this world better and save people from miseries are now contributing to its destruction. Even mother-nature, who has given us a home to live in, has become a victim of the cruel acts of human beings.
Now, I’m all fed up. I have decided to step out of this usual routine of life and go in search for that world, I’ve heard of in my early childhood. Something tells me that it exists somewhere on this planet. I cannot ask others to change but I definitely can change myself. And one day I might finally find that world where I belong. I don’t know if I will find God. But I know when a person does something good, God’s presence is felt.
· My Dear Brother Jithin,
I see your inner beauty, your beautiful heart crying out for what your Soul has been able to accept of what had been said of this beautiful Earth, that had been once a Paradise and experienced by others, but now we are in the depth of hell. There is so much of truth in what your forefathers experienced and have written of this planet earth in their time. The history of writing goes back only to about 2500 - 3000 years, by then the Paradise was lost, our Mother Earth had toppled to her present position. What had been written of the earlier ages are what one can imagine, for we carry forward all our actions and experiences within oneself in latent form, the "akashik" record is within you. I too an old man of 77 years have experienced a little bit more of that beautiful life in my young days, though still in the dark ages.
· Everything in this Cosmos is energy that belongs to two categories, that of material and Spiritual, also everything is in motion which sends out a vibration to identify itself or oneself. As for God, there is only one God, who is known and felt by everyone, but yet unknown and never seen, who is beyond the darkest cloud, Who is the Supreme Light who sheds Himself to the material universe with His unconditional Love, to keep this world going round, to keep her in balance against the collective negative vibrations of us humans and keep our Mother Earth so beautiful even in this darkest hour. In fact we may be much less than five minutes away from midnight at present, for we are in the very depth of hell just now.
· Heaven and hell are right here on Earth, for when we wish to enjoy life in Heaven, we wish to do so with our bodies, likewise the pain of hell would be most felt when inflicted to our bodies, for we are so merged into our bodies that we assume the body is “i” whereas “I” am a Soul and the body is only a costume that I wear. For, I the self is a Soul and we have all run away from our true abode which is up there beyond the physical universes, may be in a duplicate Universe which is Spiritual, and that’s where God is. When we speak of redemption that is where we would go, the world of liberation, our true Spiritual abode where God is, this place is also known as Nirvana, which means “No sound and no movement” where one is static, yet in a state of bliss in the presence of God. For, God in His mercy will redeem every single one of us at the end of the Cycle of life.
· God in His Mercy has initiated the law of cause and effect, which is generally known as “Karma” “equal and opposite reaction to every action” which is a beautiful creation. All who are positive and in the highest state, will come down first to enjoy peace and harmony. Who in this world would want to be static, what we all want is action and to identify ourselves, even though we do not know “Who we are” we need to act and interact with each other and identify ourselves even in a false costume. So we run away first to enjoy Heaven on Earth and later to grovel in the mud halfway down the cycle, the world actually topples to bring in the dark ages of copper and iron, that is when the majority of the human race who are negative come down to enjoy their heaven in giving pain to the ones who came earlier, and now have come down in their stage, as everything and everyone is subject entropy.
Dear Brother Jithin, your picture the true meaning of the dark ages that is transformed into the Golden age of light and beauty, to which we ourselves will transform with our power of thought and that of attraction, of course with the help of God who gives us the knowledge of how to be Pure, Powerful and Positive. We too are God like entities, which are eternal beings that compose the roots, the trunk, the branches, the twigs and the leaves of the eternal human world tree. The roots and the trunk are the positive entities that come first in the Golden and Silver age and the branches are formed by the different religious leaders after the fall in the dark ages groping to find God after the fall of Paradise.
· We must remember that we are here, because we have want to be here, we need to be in action and interaction with each other, whatever the suffering that we go through is in retaliation or reactions to the negative actions we have performed in our past births. The pure Souls too suffer indirectly when they see others suffering, being so sensitive, as they too have degenerated and come down in their sate. What we need to do is to be an observer of the eternal world drama without being emotionally involved, be in it, yet out of it. You can just imagine, only one billion people enjoyed everything produced in this world in 1800, within two hundred years it has multiplied seven fold. If one goes further back how wonderful life would have been, though still in hell, yet the world was so beautiful. Even now don’t you think what a beautiful creation it is, even in this very depth of hell. So if you go further back before the deluge which is given in every scripture, the Golden and the Silver ages, is the Paradise that we lost.
Just think positive, you definitely have that power, to think and write what you have written. Thoughts, have created palaces, they also have the power of attaining Peace, Love and Harmony. Send out Beautiful and Loving thoughts to the world and they certainly will come back to you.
· God bless you my Brother
· Quintus
· July 19
Global Goodwill Ambassador at Global Goodwill Ambassadors (GGA)
8 年Please visit Jithin's profile and see his depiction of the world of darkness and that of light.