About what writers write.
There are many people who would like to write, to share, but don't know how.
In some of the meetings where this subject has been raised, the question has always been: where do I get so many subjects, so much variety, so much depth, etc.?
If we look at the works of the great writers, even those who write novels, but also those who write fiction, mysteries, police stories, and analyze them in depth, we will find that the recipe is simple: write from what you see.
On Saturday, when I returned from a 5km walk on the outskirts of my colony, I came across 2 subjects to talk about and 2 business opportunities. One is just this note and I already have the topic for next week's note and business ideas is just observing the world and realizing the needs uncovered, I have a file called business ideas where I keep the ideas I will or will not do or give to someone to do.
Someone once said to me: I asked him if in what he does, in what he works, he thought there was something interesting worth sharing, he thought about it for a few seconds and replied that yes, some things came to his mind.
I shared as design my weekly plan, which I do at weekends and leave programs almost all the posts except the sayings of the week because I get the input the first minutes of Friday, this year in addition to sharing on my personal wall, in the private Tax Directors & Managers group raisings stars, the sacred cows, so that these people and their professional baggage can be known and reach more professionals from the tax field to strengthen their networks with fresh ideas, new approaches, etc.
Like everything, it requires discipline, commitment, sometimes the comments, reactions, views come, others don't, it's very easy to get discouraged, it's like going to the gym and seeing that on the day of the biceps session the rabbit didn't come out of the joke and that makes you angry to go the next day.
Your experience and knowledge are valuable, and it is also important to define the scope of the message: a quote, a motivational phrase, a note, an article, a capsule, a video, an interview, a press article, a technical note from a magazine, a press release. I have seen good ideas that fall short, writing 2-3 paragraphs of something is neither a quote, nor a note, nor anything, it remains in the realm of lukewarm, a good idea that is not developed in depth, there are those to whom I have suggested to turn that idea into someone else's, but there are people who do not let themselves be helped.
There are also philosophers who think they are the owners of the truth and try to impose their point of view on others, there is nothing that bothers people more than that and well, the results can be seen in the null comments they receive and little or no reactions. Present your point of view, but make it clear that those who disagree are not necessarily wrong.
The populists come in, those who take the issues that sell, generate reactions such as slamming companies, bosses, leadership styles, the injustice of the world. OK, it depends on what you are looking for in the network, but if, for example, you have come to this network to look for a job, then you are complaining about companies, bosses, processes, and so on. It won't change anything, but it will distance you from the recruiters, no one wants to see that their process is that person's weekly note or that communications that are supposed to be private are made public.
The frustration and need to vent is understandable, there are thousands of ways to do that. The need to change things is also understandable, but you cannot put out a fire with petrol, changing moods generate excessive comments, you have to write in stable moods, outline the guidelines of what you want to convey or improve and then do it in the neatest possible way.
Of course, there are personalities and personalities, there are those whose style is incendiary, 90% of their publications are, they are disruptive people, sometimes the content is useful and necessary, people who read them know what they are in for, what they are going to find, I like reading them to try to understand their perspectives.
To know that sharing is just a matter of being aware of things, of life, of looking up, today I saw a post by a good friend who shared how well ants work, without egos, etc. The great philosophers developed their inner knowledge by looking at the world, people, their interactions, animals, nature, emotions.
The habitats we move through: office, school, work, home, the street, life, offer us countless experiences to which you can add your style, your perspective, you don't need to copy anyone, you can create original ideas, you just need to open your eyes, your ears, your mind and your fingers to let the ideas flow.
And where are you going to get the ideas to write?
As always, your opinions will enrich this one.
Have a great and writerly week!