What would've happened to Dan?

I've shared Dan's story in the past.

He's the retired colonel in the California National Guard whose financial advisor told him he would have to live off of only $2,000 per month for the rest of his life.

Can you imagine if you had saved over a million dollars only to be told you would have to live below the poverty level for the rest of your life?

And as we've learned, fewer than one percent of the population even has that much in their 401(k).

Fortunately for Dan, his future self is quite happy because we were able to get his passive cash flow up to $11,000 per month—much better than the $2,000 he was told.

Now, what if Dan had waited to come to me until after the markets started to decline? His one million could very well have been $800,000.

The longer you wait, the more chance you'll be impacted by crazy markets and the less you'll have to work with.

Investing can be scary. I get it.

Doubt is a pretty ferocious monster that doesn't like to let go.

And none of us wants to make the wrong decision with our finances.

All of the negative feelings you have around money—confusion, anxiety, regret, fear, doubt—are just a giant bag of Bertie Bott's earwax-flavored jelly beans.

But in that bag is hidden one yummy flavor—relief.

That's what I hear time and time again from clients who started paddling like a maniac and entered the blissful barrel of the wave to ride it to financial freedom.

Relief that they took action. Relief that they no longer have to worry about money. Relief that they can now spend their time any way they please.

That's what I hope for you too. And that's why I do what I do.

If you could use a little more relief in your life, hit reply. Let's chat.

And toss out those earwax-flavored jelly beans.



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