What would you do if you woke up surrounded by Aliens?

What would you do if you woke up surrounded by Aliens?

What would I do if I woke up and found myself surrounded by Aliens? You ask.

?? Well, firstly, I would want to know what the heck my security droid had been doing when these uninvited intruders broke into my sleeping quarters. It’s precisely incidents such as this that he is supposed to prevent. He wasn’t cheap, you know!

?? “Nothing gets by the Thwak-a-Tron Mk 6 Guard Droid and lives to tell the tale!” The slimy and simpering, three-eyed sales being from Pleiades Beta had assured me. Well, so much for the sales pitch; a warranty claim would be forthcoming - if I survived this encounter!

?? Right, back to the Aliens; What would I do? Let’s assume they are not armed. I would think that if they had meant me harm, they would have killed me in my sleep. So, being British, I would do what all British people do when faced with unexpected guests - Spacefaring or otherwise – offer them a cup of tea and a poor selection of biscuits; “I only have a few Rich Tea biscuits, no Jaffa Cakes…sorry!”

??? Moving on, hoping one of us had some form of translator handy, I would try to engage in conversation and find out the reason for their visit.

?? Something along the lines of, “Did we have an appointment? It’s not on my calendar!”

?? Then maybe, “Have you come far? I hope you didn’t have too many problems getting through the asteroid belt. The solar winds can be biting this time of year!”

?? I’m sure we would find some form of common ground eventually. They’ve travelled across millions of miles of deep space to visit me, after all, so they would most likely have a pressing reason for coming.

?? Not like these reports you see on TV; you know, with some guy called Trevor, who lives in the middle of nowhere and wears torn denim overalls and an oily John Deere cap saying, “There was this real bright light, and I turned to Mary-Beth, and she was floatin’ up in the light!” Why would Aliens bother with that?

?? No, I reckon they would be there to ask me to join them on some mighty – and of course, extremely dangerous – mission. A mission only I, with my powerful Starship and deadly Thwak-a-Tron Mk 6 Guard Droid (although the Aliens had no problems getting past him!) could help them with.

?? I would fire up the engines and join the Alien fleet parked alongside my ship. We would set a course for The Orion Nebula and…

?? Oh... Excuse me, that’s the buzzer to remind me to take my medication!

?? The doctor said the medication might cause worrying side effects, but I feel totally normal; nothing wrong with me.

?? Now, what were we talking about? Ah yes…Me and the Aliens…


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