What would you do if you weren't afraid?
Now this is an article I have 'borrowed' in it's entirety from another coach (thank you Lucas Vigilante). It is well crafted and, at a time that more businesses are looking to return to 'normal' the simple exercise is one I have used with a few clients over the last week... perhaps I should be using it with more?
Once upon a time...
Walt Disney asked, ‘Is it OK to make it rain in the theatre when you show our new film?’. The reply he got, ‘Sorry Walt, that breaks the rules’.
Disney’s former Head of Innovation, Duncan Wardel, explains what happened next; “Walt sat down to think about those rules. What if...we could make it rain, what if..the characters were three dimensional. What if...we controlled their environment? Imagine if...we built somewhere like that?” Disneyland, California appeared just few years later.
What’s stopping you from reaching your full potential?
Optional action...
Try Walt’s process for yourself. Grab a big sheet of paper. Strike it in to 3 columns. Head the first ‘Rules’, the second ‘What if’, and the third ‘Imagine if’. Work on your opportunity from left to right. Let what emerges help you create the new rules for you to succeed.
So, if you are to drive your business forward... what would be the difference if you were to think 'what if' vs. 'back to business as normal'.