What Would You Do Differently?
Good Day Everyone!
As I sit here on this wintry February day (the only one we have had so for this year in Texas) I am contemplating on life. I am very thankful to be in the place (not physical location but spiritual location) where I am today.
I look outside and it is bleak and dreary, but not so in my heart. I have so much to be thankful for. My amazing adult children who are productive members of this world. My beautiful and smart granddaughter. My warm and cozy home, Smith, my dog and Peaches, my horse in the pasture, who has a warm place to stand out of this rain, thanks to family. I look at my calendar and it is filled with work. I am blessed beyond measure!
As I reflect on my life, I am asking the question, "would I do anything differently?"
The answer for me is NO! I can honestly say, I have a peace that passes all understanding in my heart, I am clothed, well fed, and warm (as I hear the fire in the fireplace crackling) and have a relationship with God that is indescribably wonderful!
Everything that has gone on in my life has led me here, and here is a good place to be!
When we are walking through the valleys of death in our lives, it is hard. But all we have to do is look up and we can see light, hope and a bright future.
Over the past few weeks, I have been in a transition, not a bad thing, just a thing. But with all changes in our lives we sometimes doubt, is this the right place to go?
Some days we just have to trust, that the God of this Universe loves us and is watching over us to work good through all our circumstances, and He will take care of us, no matter what our checkbooks look like, no matter how afraid we are, no matter what is going on in our lives. Whether you are in the valley today, or on the mountain top, remember that you are loved beyond measure!
If when you ask yourself the question "Would I do anything differently?" And the answer is yes, then take courage, and do that anything differently!