what would Taliban rule mean to the world??
On august 31st after the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan by ending their 20 year old war on terror USA administration has said its objective has been achieved .But in the reality the terror group actually took over a entire country and made whole world to just watch . some proxy countries even supported the terror group by helping them to conquer the territory which was difficult to conquer by most of super powers Russia and taliban themself when they ruled afghanistan from 1996 to 2001 . apparently Russia lost the war in in afgahnistan because of falling to conquer the province. But the group was able to conquer the province by the help of the neighbours who are also godfather for terrror who cowardly supported them even when whole world isolated them in past . But none the less now Afghanistan is in controll of a terror group called Taliban who wants to rule the country by enforcing a strict interpretation of Sharia, or Islamic law.
Its been a month since taliban took control of the country by topling the democratically elected government. After the take over country many other terror organizations are celebrating the victory of taliban . By this we can understand that many terror are now relived by the pressure that was put on them by the governments of the place where they are secretly hiding under the radar for many years with the fear of being caught . The victory of taliban in afghanistan provides them safe haven to stay fearless and carry out their attacks on the world in the name of spreading the islamic culture .Till the date many assessments conclude that groups like lashkar-e-taiba, jaish-e-mohammed, al qaeda,tehreek e labbaik, isis khorasan and all other major groups are shifting their base to continue their activites over the world into Afghanistan.
On june of 2021 United Nations has published an assessment which says there are around 6,000 to 6,500 members of lashkar-e-taiba, jaish-e-mohammed actively present on the ground of battlefeild to support the taliban group to conquer afghanistan .UN says that these groups operate in 15 out 34 provinces of aghanistan. And according to some assessments there are around 2,000 members of isis khorasan group in afghanistan. The al qaeda group is now trying trying to create an affiliate group of its own in india by brain washing the young minds by safely sitting in afghanistan.
And the most deadly and fearfull wing of taliban "The Haqqani Network" where its leader of this group Sirajuddin Haqqani is himself listed as Most wanted terroist by FBI and by United nations with 10 million dollor bounty on him is the new Afghanistan’s new interior minister who over sees the security of the afghanistan.And there several other members of group who are also listed as most wanted by united nations are holding key positions in afganistan's newly formed government in afghanistan . The Haqqanis were covertly funded by the CIA through Pakistan’s intelligence arm, the ISI, to stage guerrilla strikes against the Soviet Union during their occupation of Afghanistan in the 1980s.According to some assessments their was around 2,000 to 4,000 members around 2012 which now may have significantly increased their numbers because this group is the back bone Taliban. Through this network Pakistan is controlling the taliban group in afganistan and installed a government which can be loyal to them in future and help pakistan to conquer the kashmir region of India.
where terror groups bassed in north affrica ,somalia who are also affiliate of Al-qaeda have publiclly announced their support to taliban to speard the muslim community to all over world .which directly indicate that the future is not going to be as peacefull as expected . The soil of afganistan can be used as a headquarters to carry out terror acctivites arround the world .These recent devolplments in afghanistan should be handled carefully by world leaders in order to maitain peace and stability accross world .