What would be 'New Normal' in experiential marketing?
Before you begin to read this article, I must confess that I don't have any clue either and still trying to find orientation on this topic. Still, I believe it's worthwhile writing(for me) and reading(for you) it because I am going to try leave an essence of my thinking during this year working in this field.
Many of my colleagues and partners and even clients related to the 'experiential marketing' were out there stunned and puzzled due to the extreme condition on the consumer direct contacts throughout the year 2020 and even as so many companies claims that soon vaccines and cure medicines will be ready to be supplied, I still believe that which reality we 'experiential marketers' faced will still remain for coming year or in the worst scenario, new reality may become even more cruel.
Thus we had to live without many opportunities to work with projects and many which continued transformed into digitalized or virtualized and they were given to the competitions with different skill sets.
Even though some of business in my agency remained untact while some of them got cancelled or given to digital specialized agencies, I still believe we are in the way of finding ideal combination between on and off brand experience to ideally deliver brands to their target consumers/customers.
I still try to find out exact methodologies and tactics to overcome this situation but one is clear to me that offline experience should now more desperately find way to prove its value in delivering brand's value.
I am saying so because I've witnessed even in this condition so many of online experience got leveraged based upon brand's offline experience heritage and got weaker return when online campaign went alone.
So people in this field who are stronger with offline part, try to improve your analytical capability and people with stronger online capability, try work with offline expert more.