Don′t believe what you read in the news or hear. We aren′t going anywhere. God`s calings are without repentance. We will however be traveling to Miami the 17th thru 24th for a VA check up and to visit churches and friends. Also I will be in Washington DC to pray for America with other great Christian leaders from 27 October thru 2 November. God bless you, God bless the Pure Heart Children, God bless where we minister and God bless America.

What Would Judas Do?

Matthew 26:9 For this ointment might have been sold for much, and given to the poor.

I don’t know how many Christians have cited this verse to me thinking it was scriptural. One even said that was a direct Jesus quote. Although that exact quote is in the Bible, it isn’t scriptural. This actually is a quote from Judas. Satan always counterfeits the Word of God. Judas is a perfect example of a self-righteousness person being used by Satan as a pawn. Satan loves to use people to twist your words and use them against you. He especially loves to use them to twist scripture. What Jesus did said to the rich man 7 chapters earlier was,

Matthew 19:21 Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.

Judas probably heard that conversation and was now using it to get brownie points or was trying to rub Jesus` face in it in order to discredit Him. Everything Judas did was calculated it appears. Judas did a lot of other things besides twisting scripture. Yet Jesus loved him and called him friend. We don’t want to be like Judas, we want to be like Jesus. Unfortunately, sometimes we do what Judas did. Be careful. Besides asking ourselves WWJD? And do what Jesus did, we should also ask ourselves WWjD? And NOT do what Judas did.

-He judged. I have found that people that are extremely judgmental usually don’t do very much. Where we live for example, there are people that think millionaires should give all their money to poor people until they are poor themselves. They also expect the government to do so as well to eradicate poverty. But these guys that wave this political flag the hardest are the stingiest people I have ever met. They don’t give a penny to anyone. They expect others to do so, and judge them if they don’t. But they are very greedy. Remember, how you judge others sticks to you and condemns you as well.

James 4:11 ESV if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge.

-He gave unsolicited advice.

-He sought to control things.

-He joined Jesus because of ambition and an agenda. It’s obvious because as soon as he saw that Jesus didn’t have political desires, Judas began to become discontent.

-He did things that made the other apostles suspect him of being dishonest John 12:6 introduces Judas’s thievery by saying, “as he had the money box he used to take what was put into it.`

-He made a great first impression. Many churches and boards would have hired him on the spot because of his finance expertise and ambition.

-He manipulated. Matthew was maybe a better money guy, yet Jesus chose Judas.

-He snuck around. He went and bartered how much money he’d get for turning in Jesus. I am sure he did it in secret.

-He didn’t show his true emotions. He let Jesus wash his feet. Jesus told him to get on with it, and no one had a clue what Jesus was talking about.

-He plotted. No one just sins. They plan it. It starts as a seed. They nourish it.

Micah 2:1 Woe to those who plan iniquity, to those who plot evil on their beds! At morning’s light they carry it out because it is in their power to do it.

-He murmured to other people. If to no one else (which I doubt), he murmerred to Jesus’ enemies. The murmuring always starts in the murmurers’ own mind and then slowly contaminates heart. Always!-He accepted a bribe, 30 pieces of silver

-He betrayed Jesus with a kiss, being a phony.

-He acted like he was religious. He even presumed to tell Jesus that the money for the perfume should go to the poor (quoting the Lord Himself). Pretty sure he never gave his own money to the poor. Also he repented, and confessed that had sinned. He even returned the money.-He committed suicide.

-He probably went to hell.

Don’t be like Judas. Be like Jesus. WWjD or WWJD?Romans 8:29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.

No matter what you hear or read, we are not going anywhere nor changing anything. Doing what we’ve always done, spreading the love of Jesus Christ to the whomsoevers. This country is split. Half of the people we help or have helped are cheering these satanic anti-christ changes. Kind of heartbreaking. God is good, His mercies are forever. Tax deductions and write offs are still applicable and are no problem at all. Nothing’s changed except for our presence on social media. Please keep up what you are doing. The fieds are white, ready for harvest and the laborers are fleeing by the hundreds.We are more needed now than ever. For just a time as this. Just staying low profile, under the radar. Lots of tattle tales down here, many of whom we helped a lot in the past or presently helping. Heart breaking. We are just Being smart, being light where it’s needed more now than ever.Pray for us. Our free school is separated from everything else, so everything stays the same. Just low profile for a while but no one gets left out. God does not change, neither do we. To God be all the glory. 501c3, tax write offs, everything is still the same.

Love in Christ

Dean and Winnie Petersclick here for-MyFaceBook; https://www.facebook.com/wikknelia.reyes.5?mibextid=LQQJ4d

My Email; DeanPeters2004@gmail.com

My USA # 1 (386) 383-8903

My Nica and wassap # +50555010927



