What would be“out of character” for U? Standing up for yourself? Saying no? Trusting? Or Questioning?Here The Untold 7 Secrets to Powerful Self-Image
Self Developement

What would be“out of character” for U? Standing up for yourself? Saying no? Trusting? Or Questioning?Here The Untold 7 Secrets to Powerful Self-Image

You are unique. You are not like anyone else on the planet. And you’re not supposed to be.

Nevertheless, most people go through their entire life without understanding this. They choose to follow the masses. Why? Is “agreeing not to be one of them” a less fulfilling way to live?

“If you want to be wrong, then follow the masses.” – Socrate

Once a belief about yourself enters the subconscious mind, it becomes “true” without you questioning its validity.

You will become who and what you think about.

Right now, you may not be clear on the details of the mental picture you have of yourself. But make no mistake, they are there.

You build your entire personality, your behavior, and even your circumstances on your self-image. It is the foundation of everything you are, do and have. Therefore, your experiences verify and reinforce the image you are holding. This sets up a vicious or a beneficial cycle, depending on how you see yourself.

To change a self-image, first take an account of what is happening in your life right now. Look at the various aspects of your life. Look at the results you’re getting in your relationships, your income, the position you hold at work and your personal appearance. These are all the outer expression of the inner image.

One of the biggest mistakes people make is attempting to change things that are outside of themselves (such as their income or business) without changing what’s going on inside. This approach never works. You must direct your energy to changing the mental picture you have of yourself instead of trying to change outside circumstances, such as going on a diet, starting a new business or leaving a marriage.

Go inside and take a real close look with your inner eye of understanding. See if you’re beginning to see yourself, from within, as the person you really want to be.

During the transition period, when you’re in the process of implanting your winner’s image in the subconscious, you will perceive two people—the old you and the new you. Every time you see yourself as a failure, or lacking in some way, shift your focus to the winning you.

To re-make your life, you must build a winner’s self-image. As soon as you start to alter the image, everything outside will begin to change.

Your guide to create the positive self image for yourself is here! All you need to do is to follow some simple steps written here and you are good to go! It is not really that much of a work! Just some little changes that you need to bring in your lifestyle to get that positive self image.

1. Build on what you like.

Most people dwell on what they don’t like about themselves. Too tall, too short, too fat, too skinny. Our image obsessed culture is choking out our uniqueness. Take a few simple moments each day and point out what you like about yourself. Your looks, your heart, your gifts.

2. Build better self-talk.

We all have an inner dialogue that runs throughout our day. I call it your “big voice” and “small voice.”

My self-image started to change when I realized I could influence and control my self-talk.

Become an encourager, a cheerleader, a coach. Every positive thing you say to yourself helps your self image.

3. Build on an empowering written statement.

. For example, “Today I will be energetic, enthusiastic, and a contagious solutions finder.”

4. Build a leadership vocabulary.

Take a 30 day challenge. Get a nice colorful rubber band and put it on your left wrist. Each time you speak negative or critically… don’t snap it… simply place it on your other wrist. Keep track of how many times you have to change wrists with the rubber band. I guarantee over the course of 30 days you’ll shift from a negative personal mindset to a strong leadership vocabulary.

5. Build on one action each day.

It’s called the power of a 1% action. It could be one healthy choice around nutrition, time management, self-care, or spiritual peace. Do one thing to improve yourself each day – no exceptions.

6. Build your successful disciplines list.

We become what we focus on. Build a list of your successful disciplines. A disciplined life is a healthy life. Your self-image will grow quickly.

7. Build and celebrate private victories.

Pick Friday as your day to reflect and review. Part of your review should be celebrating your private victories, victories no one else sees that You accomplished. It could be as simple as holding your commitment to rise early and honor spiritual commitments of solitude and praying or It could be successfully delivering a leadership training with energy, detail, and passion.

Develop the awareness and courage to live your life, your way. You will need to leave your false and limited image of yourself behind. Only then you will embark on your true journey of your true self.

The next time you find yourself saying, “I couldn’t do that, that’s just not me!” Yell, “Cut!” and re-write yourself a better character.
See You Tomorrow With Way #63



Marwa is a pioneer and expert in developing projects to build revenue, profits and corporate visibility with extensive experience in all facets of projects starting with site identification, developing and overseeing the implementation of the feasibility plans for projects; actively participating in the various financial analysis, acquisition, master planning, design review and tendering.

She is in the UAE Property Development industry Since 2001 during which she has coordinated all administrative activities pertaining to construction projects with an overall budget exceeding 5 billion.

Marwa holds an Architectural Engineering degree, PMP and Master in Project Management from the American Academy U.S.A.

More info: https://marwaabdelaziz.com

PDC Group https://pdcgroupconsulting.com


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