What is worth your time?
The level of diligence we apply when deciding where to spend our time is directly related to how much we believe it’s worth.?
This is absolutely where actions speak louder than words.?
Even if you claim that your time is valuable, your choice to consistently spend it on regrettable things suggests an entirely different appraisal.
Entrepreneur and investor, Naval Ravikant, suggests we assign our time a high hourly rate as a mental model for deciding if something is worth truly worth it?—?“How much time does it take? It’s going to take you an hour to get across town to get something. If you value yourself at one hundred dollars an hour, that’s basically throwing one hundred dollars out of your pocket. Are you going to do that?”?
When we truly value our time, it becomes something we fiercely protect and only give it to things that we have conviction will generate energy, joy, or other forms of value.?
“No” becomes a more prominent part of our vocabulary that we learn to offer with far less guilt as we realize that very few things are truly worth giving it to.?
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About me:
I'm a second-generation Taiwanese American trying to find life’s greatest sources of meaning and make the most out of it.