What Are The Worst Social Media Marketing Mistakes
Activity in social networks is one of the most powerful tools for promoting business in the modern world. But only on the condition that you use it correctly. If the number of likes and reposts on your pages is unsatisfactory, the number of subscribers grows extremely slowly, it is obvious that you are doing something wrong. Most likely, you made some of the mistakes listed below.
Lack of focus on the target audience
For a successful marketing campaign, it is critically important to understand for whom you are making it. Who is your target audience? What are its requests? What interests it and in what form, what will leave it indifferent, what will cause disgust? What is it dreaming of and afraid of? You will not succeed if you do not have more or less clear answers to these questions.
Generalization of the target audience
It is also important to understand that your target audience can consist of several different groups. When you write posts for the average subscriber – you ignore the specific interests of the representatives of separate groups.
Quantity instead of quality
For some reason, some marketers believe that you should posts in social networks as much as possible. Nevertheless, quality is much more important. It is better to make 1-2 fascinating and well-designed publications than a dozen posts of average quality. Quantity without quality inevitably annoys the audience.
Lack of communication with subscribers
Remember that social networks are all about communication. Therefore it is important not only to answer subscribers to their questions, to thank for positive feedback and to help in case of negative ones, but also to create various kinds of activity: discussions, chats, surveys, competitions. In communication with the audience, try to avoid standardized replicas, show people a lively and sincere interest.
The lack of a media plan and strategy
Without defining clear goals and creating a content plan, you will never succeed in SMM-promotion. What do you want to achieve and by what means? What can help you, and what can be an obstacle? How to use the first and avoid the second? Depending on the answers to these questions, determine the daily number and topic of the posts, make up the content plan and correct it if the campaign does not lead to the goals set.
Spam on the page
Promotion in social networks is meaningless without the involvement of clients. Quality content and unobtrusive information about services and promotions will attract customers. On the contrary, frequent and annoying advertising will cause irritation. It is believed that the optimal amount of advertising on the pages in social networks is up to 5%.
Incorrect networks
Each social network has its own specifics, features of the audience and marketing opportunities. For example, in the B2B market it would be frivolous to limit yourself to Facebook and Twitter, ignoring LinkedIn. You need to consider all this while developing a marketing strategy. You may be more suited to one social network, while others will only take time and money. Perhaps it makes sense to limit to 2-3 resources, instead of trying to be present everywhere.
Placement of identical posts in different social networks
Again, here you need to take into account the specifics of each network and write posts based on it. For example, on Facebook you can write a little more text, while in Instagram the focus is on the photo, the text, as a rule, only comments on the picture.
Too long texts
This is one of the most common mistakes in social media marketing. Whichever social network you choose, no one will read too long texts. Try to be laconic and write only about the most important thing. It is better to intrigue with understatement than to give too much information, especially secondary.